Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

work for seniors; senior citizen work Seniorenarbeit {f}; Seniorenfürsorge {f}

university courses for seniors; university courses for senior citizens Seniorenstudium {n}

A-level student [Br.]; high-school senior [Am.] Abiturient {m} [Dt.]; Maturant {m} [Ös.]; Maturand {m} [Schw.] (Schüler der Abiturklasse/Maturaklasse) [school]

A-level students; high-school seniors Abiturienten {pl}; Maturanten {pl}; Maturanden {pl}

This school year I'm teaching A-level students / seniors. In diesem Schuljahr unterrichte ich die Abiturienten / Maturanten.

footmuff (for babies/seniors) Fußsack {m} (für Babys/Senioren)

footmuffs Fußsäcke {pl}

senior [listen] Senior {m}

seniors Senioren {pl}

to scam sb. out of sth.; to bilk sb. (out) of sth.; to mulct sb. of sth. jdn. um etw. bringen; jdn. um etw. prellen [veraltend] {vt}

to bilk seniors out of their possessions Senioren um ihren Besitz bringen

to mulct sb. of the fruit of their toil jdn. um die Früchte seiner Arbeit bringen