Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

lesson; lection; scripture reading; reading from the Scriptures; Bible reading (part of the Mass liturgy) [listen] Schriftenlesung {f}; Lesung {f} (Teil der Messliturgie) [relig.]

lesson from the Gospel; Gospel reading Lesung aus dem Evangelium; Evangeliumslesung {f}; Evangelium {n}

first/second lesson [listen] erste/zweite Lesung

lesson from the epistles; epistle Lesung aus den Apostelbriefen; Epistel

the Bible; the Holy Scripture; the Holy Scriptures; the Scriptures; the Holy Writ; the Sacred Writ die Bibel; die Heilige Schrift [relig.]

the teachings of the Bible die Lehre der Bibel

to read from the Scriptures aus der Bibel lesen

the sacred scriptures; the holy scriptures; the scriptures (of a religion) die heilige Schrift (einer Religion) [relig.]

vedas (Hinduist scriptures) Veden {pl}; Veda {m} (hinduistische Schriften) [relig.]