Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

quotient Quotient {m} [math.]

quotients Quotienten {pl}

quotient rule Quotientenregel {f} [math.]

intelligence quotient /IQ/ Intelligenzquotient {m} /IQ/ [psych.]

intelligence quotients Intelligenzquotienten {pl}

to have a low IQ einen niedrigen / tiefen [Schw.] IQ haben

old age dependency ratio /OADR/; ageing quotient Altersquotient {m}

difference quotient Differenzenquotient {m} [math.]

difference quotients Differenzenquotienten {pl}

extremal quotient Extremalquotient {m} [statist.]

extremal quotients Extremalquotienten {pl}

Rayleigh quotient Rayleigh-Quotient {m} [math.]

encephalisation quotient; brain-body ratio Verhirnungsgrad {m}; Enkefalisationsquotient {m} [biol.]

buzzword quotient /BWQ/ Modewort-Quotient (Anzahl von "In-Wörtern" in Text)

type of statistical scale statistische Skalenart {f} [statist.]

interval scale Differenzenskala {f}; Intervallskala {f}

categorical scale kategorielle Skala; kategoriale Skala

metrical scale metrische Skala {f}

nominal scale Nominalskala {f}

ranking scale; ordinal scale; ordinal system Rangskala {f}; Ordinalskala {f}

quotient scale Quotientenskala {f}

ratio scale Verhältnisskala {f}; Ratioskala {f}