Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

parish house; clergy house; priest's house; presbytery; chapel house [Sc.]; parochial house [Ir.] (Catholic Church); vicarage; rectory; parsonage [dated] (Protestant Churches) Pfarrhof {m}; Pfarrhaus {n}; Pfarreihaus {n} [BW] [Schw.]; Pfarrei {f} [relig.]

parish houses; clergy houses; priest's houses; presbyteries; chapel houses; parochial houses; vicarages; rectories; parsonages Pfarrhöfe {pl}; Pfarrhäuser {pl}; Pfarreihäuser {pl}; Pfarreien {pl}

robe; robes; gown [listen] [listen] Robe {f}; Talar {m} [adm.] [textil.]

robes; gowns Roben {pl}; Talare {pl}

academic dress; academic robe; academic gown akademische Robe; Talar {m}

robe of office; robes of office; gown of office; official attire; vestment [obs.] Amtsrobe {f}; Amtstracht {f}

lawyer's robe; lawyer's gown Anwaltsrobe {f}; Anwaltstalar {m} [Ös.]

ceremonial robe; ceremonial gown Festgewand {n}

court dress Gerichtsrobe {f}; Gerichtstalar {m} [Ös.] [jur.]

priest's robe; priest's gown Priestertalar {m}