Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

isobar (nuclide having the same mass number as nuclides with different atomic numbers) Isobar {n} (Nuklid mit gleicher Massezahl wie Nuklide mit anderer Kernladungszahl) [phys.]

decay chain (in radioactive nuclides) Zerfallsreihe {f} (bei radioaktiven Nukliden) [phys.]

nuclide Nuklid {n} [chem.] [phys.]

nuclides Nuklide {pl}

radioactive nuclide; radionuclide radioaktives Nuklid; Radionuklid {n}

plate-out of nuclides Ablagerung von Nukliden

decay product; daughter product; daughter isotope; daughter nuclide; daughter nucleus; residual nucleus (reactor technology) Zerfallsprodukt {n}; Tochterkern {m}; Restkern {m} (Reaktortechnik)

decay products; daughter products; daughter isotopes; daughter nuclides; daughter nuclei; residual nuclei Zerfallsprodukte {pl}; Tochterkerne {pl}; Restkerne {pl}

decay processes; processes of disintegration Zerfallsprozesse {pl}; Zerfallsvorgänge {pl}; Verfallsprozesse {pl}