Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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area cross section factor; normalized cross section; sigma nought (radar) Flächenrückstreufaktor {m} (Radar)

formula [listen] Formel {f} [math.] [listen]

formulas; formulae Formeln {pl}

quadratic formula (for normalized quadratic equations) abc-Formel; Mitternachtsformel {f} [humor.] (für gemischtquadratische Gleichungen)

formula of calculation Berechnungsformel {f} [math.]

formula evaluation Formelauswertung {f}

Barlow's formula Kesselformel {f}

Newton-Cotes formula Newton-Cotes-Formel

world formula Weltformel {f}

vector Vektor {m} [phys.]

axial vector; pseudovector axialer Vektor; Axialvektor; Drehvektor; Pseudovektor

wave vector Ausbreitungsvektor

binormal vector Binormalenvektor

Burgers vector Burgers-Vektor

unit vector; normalized vector Einheitsvektor; normierter Vektor

free vector freier Vektor

Runge vector Lenz-Runge-Vektor; Lenz'scher Vektor

polar vector polarer Vektor

Poynting vector; Poynting's vector Poynting'scher Vektor

gravity vector Schwerkraftvektor {m}

timelike vector zeitartiger Vektor

to normalize sth.; to normalise sth. [Br.] etw. normalisieren {vt}

normalizing; normalising normalisierend

normalized; normalised normalisiert

he/she normalizes; normalises er/sie normalisiert

I/he/she normalized; normalised ich/er/sie normalisierte

he/she has/had normalized; he/she has/had normalised er/sie hat/hatte normalisiert

to normalize diplomatic relations between the two countries die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen zwei Ländern normalisieren

to normalize; to normalise [Br.] (of a thing) sich normalisieren {vr} (Sache)

normalizing; normalising sich normalisierend

normalized; normalised sich normalisiert

to be normalized sich normalisiert haben

to normalize; to normalise [Br.] normieren {vt} [math.]

normalizing; normalising normierend

normalized; normalised normiert