Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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solanaceous plants; nightshades; nightshade family (botanical family) Nachtschattengewächse {pl} (Solanaceae) (botanische Familie) [bot.]

to be a member of the nightshade family; to be a plant of the nightshade family; to be a solanaceous plant zu den Nachschattengewächsen gehören, ein Nachtschattengewächs sein

nightshade-like; solanaceous nachtschattenartig {adj} [bot.]

pokeweeds; pokeberries, pokeroots (botanical genus) Kermesbeeren {pl} (Phytolacca) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

American pokeweed; American nightshade; Virginia poke; inkberry Amerikanische Kermesbeere {f}; Amerika-Kermesbeere {f}; Zehnmännige Kermesbeere {f} (Phytolacca americana)

nightshades; horsenettles (botanical genus) Nachtschatten {pl} (Solanum) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

aubergine plant [Br.]; eggplant [Am.] [Austr.] [NZ]; mad-apple plant [South Africa] [listen] Eierpflanze {f}; Auberginenpflanze {f} (Solanum melongena)

Carolina horsenettle; horsenettle Carolina-Nachtschatten; Pferdenessel (Solanum carolinense)

black nightshade; European black nighshade; small-fruited black nightshade; garden nightshade; duscle; petty morel; wonder berry schwarzer Nachtschatten (Solanum nigrum)

bittersweet nightshade; bitter nightshade; climbing/trailing/woody/snakeberry nightshade; trailing bittersweet; bittersweet; blue bindweed; scarlet berry; fellenwort; felonwood; poisonberry; poisonflower bittersüßer Nachtschatten; Bittersüß; Waldnachtschatten, Wasserranke; Saurebe; Mäuseholz; Natternholz (Solanum dulcamara)

tall nightshade zierlicher Nachtschatten; gänsefußblättriger Nachtschatten (Solanum chenopodioides)

potato plant Kartoffelpflanze {f}; Erdäpfelpflanze {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [Schw.] (Solanum tuberosum)

atropa nightshades (botanical genus) Tollkirschen {pl} (Atropa) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

deadly nightshade; devil's berry, death cherry; belladonna; divale [archaic]; dwale [archaic] schwarze Tollkirsche {f} (Atropa belladonna)

scopolia (botanical genus) Tollkraut {n} (Scopolia) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

European scopolia; Russian belladonna; Carniolan nightshade; henbane bell Krainer Tollkraut {n}; Kärntner Tollkraut {n}; Tollrübe {f}; Glockenbilsenkraut {n} (Scopolia carniolica)

Japanese belladonna japanisches Tollkraut {n} (Scopolia japonica)