Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

freight; freightage (lorry, train, ship, aircraft); cargo (lorry, ship, aircraft); lading; load (of a means of transport) [listen] [listen] [listen] Frachtgut {n}; Fracht {f}; Ladung {f} (eines Transportmittels) [transp.] [listen] [listen]

freight; freight good; freights [listen] Frachtgüter {pl}

containerized freight; containerized cargo Containerfracht {f}; Containerladung {f}

dead freight Fehlfracht {f}; Ausfallfracht {f}; zu zahlende aber nicht genutzte Fracht

full lorry load [Br.]; full truck load /FTL/ [Am.] volle LKW-Ladung; LKW-Komplettladung; Komplettladung {f}

bulk cargo Massenfrachtgut {n}; Massenfracht {f}; Massengutladung {f}; Massenladung {f}; Schüttladung {f}; sperrige Ladung

grouped goods; groupage freight; consolidated cargo Sammelgut {n}; Sammelladung {f}

shipload; ship's freight Schiffsfracht {f}; Schiffsladung {f}; Cargo {m}

general/mixed cargo (ship); part-load (railway); mixed carload [Am.] (railway); less-than-carload lot /LCL/ [Am.] (railway); package freight [Am.] [listen] Stückgutfracht {f}; Stückgutladung {f}

partial load; part load; less-than-lorry-load [Br.] /LLL/; less-than-truckload [Am.] /LTL/; less-than-wagon-load [Br.] (railway); less-than-carload [Am.] /LTC/ (railway) Teilladung {f}

wagon load [Br.]; carload [Am.] (railway) Wagenladung {f} (Bahn)

trainload Zugladung {f}

dangerous cargo gefährliche Ladung

lading port Verladehafen {m}

lading ports Verladehäfen {pl}

lading [archaic] (onto a ship) Verladen {n} (auf ein Schiff) [transp.]

bill of lading /b/l/; sea waybill Seefrachtbrief {m}; Schiffsfrachtbrief {m}; Seeladeschein {m} [selten]; Konnossement {n} [transp.] [adm.]

bills of lading Seefrachtbriefe {pl}; Schiffsfrachtbriefe {pl}; Seeladescheine {pl}; Konnossements {pl}

bill of lading drawn in two copies Seefrachtbrief in doppelter Ausfertigung

inland waterway bill of lading Binnenkonnossement; Flussladeschein; Ladeschein

on-board bill of lading; shipped bill of lading Bordkonnossement

through bill of lading Durchfrachtkonnossement; Durchkonnossement; durchgehendes Konnossement; Transitkonnossement

bill of lading to bearer Inhaberkonnossement

custody bill of lading Lagerhalter-Konnossement

straight bill of lading [Am.] Namenskonnossement

order bill of lading; bill of lading (made out) to order Orderkonnossement

marine bill of lading; ocean bill of lading Seekonnossement

received for shipment bill of lading Übernahmekonnossement

transhipment bill of lading; transshipment bill of lading Umladekonnossement

clean bill of lading reiner Seefrachtbrief; Konnossment ohne einschränkenden Vermerk

dirty/foul/claused bill of lading unreiner Seefrachtbrief; Konnossement mit Vorbehalten

as per bill of lading laut Schiffsfrachtbrief

to make out a bill of lading einen Seefrachtbrief ausstellen

consignment note /C/N/; con note [coll.]; waybill /W.B./ [Am.]; bill of lading /B/L/ [Am.] Frachtbrief {m}; Warenbegleitschein {m} [transp.] [adm.]

consignment notes; con notes; waybills; bills of lading Frachtbriefe {pl}; Warenbegleitscheine {pl}; Beförderungspapiere {pl}

in-house consignment note; in-house waybill; house bill Hausfrachtbrief {m}

road consignment note; CMR consignment note; road waybill; CMR wabill Straßenfrachtbrief {m}; CMR-Frachtbrief {m}

duplicate (of) consignment note; duplicate waybill [Am.]; counterfoil waybill [Am.] Frachtbriefduplikat {n}; Frachtbriefdoppel {m}

original consignment note; original waybill [Am.] Frachtbrieforiginal {n}

consignment note in triplicate; waybill in triplicate [Am.] Frachtbrief in drei Ausfertigungen

international consignment note; international waybill internationaler Frachtbrief

forwarding agent's certificate of transport; forarder's Frachtbrief des Spediteurs

container consignment note; container waybill [Am.] Frachtbrief für Transportbehälter; Containerfrachtbrief

consignment note for express freight [Br.]; bill of lading for fast freight [Am.] Eilgutfrachtbrief {m}; Eilfrachtbrief {m}

railway consignment note [Br.]; railroad bill of lading [Am.] Eisenbahnfrachtbrief {m}; Bahnfrachtbrief {m}

interzonal trade permit Warenbegleitschein für den Interzonenhandel [Dt.] [hist.]

to make out a consignment note einen Frachtbrief ausstellen

air consingment note [Br.]; airway bill /A.W.B/ [Br.]; air bill of lading [Am.]; air waybill /A.W.B./ [Am.] Luftfrachtbrief {m}

air consingment notes; airway bills; air bills of lading; air waybill /A.W.B./ Luftfrachtbriefe {pl}

house airway bill; house air waybill /H.A.W.B./ eigener Luftfrachtbrief; Hausluftfrachtbrief

universal airway bill; universal air waybill /U.A.W.B./ Einheitsluftfrachtbrief

through airway bill; through air waybill /T.A.W.B./ Transitluftfrachtbrief; Durchluftfrachtbrief

forwarder airway bill; forwarder air waybill Luftfrachtbrief des Spediteurs

bill-of-lading copy Konnossementsausfertigung {f} [transp.] [adm.]

terms of the bill of lading Konnossementsbedingungen {pl} [transp.] [adm.]

bill-of-lading fraud; fraud involving a bill of lading Konnossementsbetrug {m} [jur.]

bill-of-lading guarantee, bill-of-lading letter of indemnity Konnossementsgarantie {f} [transp.] [adm.]

bill-of-lading clause Konnossementsklausel {f} [transp.] [adm.]

bill-of-lading clauses Konnossementsklausel {pl}

set of bills of lading Konnossementssatz {m}; Satz {m} des Konnossements [transp.] [adm.]

full set of bills of lading voller Satz des Konnossements

bill-of-lading delivery order Konnossementsteilschein {m} [transp.] [adm.]

note on the bill of lading Konnossementsvermerk {m} [transp.] [adm.]

notes on the bill of lading Konnossementsvermerke {pl}

bill-of-lading form Seefrachtbrief-Formular {n} [transp.] [adm.]

bill-of-lading forms Seefrachtbrief-Formulare {pl}