Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

teleprinter keyboard; teletypewriter keyboard; telex keyboard Fernschreibtastatur {f}; Telextastatur {f} [telco.] [hist.]

teleprinter keyboards; teletypewriter keyboards; telex keyboards Fernschreibtastaturen {pl}; Telextastaturen {pl}

clavier; (musical) keyboard [listen] Klaviatur {f} [mus.]

claviers; keyboards Klaviaturen {pl}

keyboard; keys [listen] Tastatur {f} [comp.] [listen]

keyboards Tastaturen {pl}

alphanumeric keyboard alphanumerische Tastatur

one-screen keyboard Bildschirmtastatur {f}

Braille keyboard Braille-Tastatur {f}

qwerty keyboard englische Tastatur

(virtual) mobile phone keypad [Br.]; (virtual) cellphone keypad [Am.]; smartphone keypad Handytastatur {f}; Smartphonetastatur {f} (Bildschirmtastatur)

magnetic keyboard; maglev keyboard magnetische Tastatur; Magnettastatur {f}

frozen keyboard nicht mehr reagierende Tastatur

keyboard instrument Tasteninstrument {n}; Klavierinstrument {n} [mus.]

keyboard instruments Tasteninstrumente {pl}; Klavierinstrumente {pl}

electronic keyboards elektronische Tasteninstrumente

reed-keyboard instruments Tastenistrumente mit freischwingenden/duchschlagenden Zungen

to echo; to resound; to resonate; to reverberate; to ring with a sound (place) [listen] von einem Laut schallen; widerhallen; erklingen {vi}; vom Schall/Widerhall eines Lautes erfüllt sein {v} (Ort)

The house echoed/reverberated with the cries of the children. Das Haus hallte vom Kreischen der Kinder wieder.

The office resounded with the metronomic clicking of keyboards. Das Büro war erfüllt vom gleichförmigen Klackern der Tastaturen.

keyboard [listen] Bedienungspult {n}

keyboards Bedienungspulte {pl}