Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

in-situ cellular plastic; in-situ PUR foam Ortschaum {m}

in-situ terrazzo Ortterrazzo {m} [constr.]

air sparging; in-situ air stripping; in-situ volatilization Luftzerstäubung {f}; in-situ-Verflüchtigung {f} [envir.]

bored pile; (bored) cast-in-situ pile; (bored) cast-in-place pile (formed by pouring concrete into a hole) Ortbetonpfahl {m}; Ortpfahl {m} (in Pfahlgründungen) [constr.]

bored piles; cast-in-situ piles; cast-in-place piles Ortbetonpfähle {pl}; Ortpfähle {pl}

compressed concrete pile; driven cast-in-situ pile; driven cast-in-place pile (formed by driving a casing into the ground and filling it with concrete) Ortbetonpfahl {m}; Ortpfahl {m} [constr.]

compressed concrete piles; driven cast-in-situ piles; driven cast-in-place piles Ortbetonpfähle {pl}; Ortpfähle {pl}

flat roof with in-situ PUR foam Ortschaumdach {n} [constr.]

flat roofs with in-situ PUR foam Ortschaumdächer {pl}

concrete [listen] Beton {m} [constr.] [listen]

site-mixed concrete Baustellenbeton {m}

in-situ concrete; cast-in-situ concrete; job-mixed concrete; poured-in-place concrete; cast-in-place concrete [Am.] Ortbeton {m}

stamped concrete Prägebeton {m}; Stempelbeton {m}

pozzolanic concrete; trass concrete Puzzolanbeton {m}; Trassbeton {m}

high-density concrete; heavy-aggregate concrete; heavy-weight concrete; heavy concrete Schwerbeton {m}

compressed concrete; tamped concrete Stampfbeton {m}

loaded concrete Strahlenschutzbeton {m}

strongroom concrete; safe concrete Tresorbeton {m}

face concrete; facing concrete; decorative concrete Vorsatzbeton {m}

exposed aggregate concrete Waschbeton {m}

reinforced concrete armierter Beton

statically reinforced concrete bewehrter Beton

dry-mix concrete; dry-shake concrete [Am.]; dry-packed concrete [Am.]; dry-tamp concrete [Am.] erdfeuchter Beton

unreinforced concrete unbewehrter Beton

waterproof concrete wasserundurchlässiger Beton; WU-Beton

aggressive to concrete Beton angreifend

soil (ground layer of earth) [listen] Boden {m}; Erdboden {m} [agr.] [envir.] [geol.] [listen]

soils Böden {pl}

half bog soil; anmoor soil anmooriger Boden; Anmoor {n}

in-situ soil anstehender Boden; ungestörter Boden

cohesive soil bindiger Boden

brown forest soil; cambisol brauner Waldboden {m}

plough soil; plow soil gepflügter Boden

humus soil Humusboden {m}; Humuserde {f}

muck [listen] humusreicher Boden

organic soil; histosol organischer Boden; belebter Boden

virgin soil Rohboden {m}; jungfräulicher Boden; unbebautes Land

sandy soil; sand soil; regosol Sandboden {m}

acid soil saurer Boden; Säureboden {m}

hydromorphic soil staunasser Boden

structurally stable soil strukturstabiler Boden

seasonally-flooded soil Überschwemmungsboden {m}; Überflutungsboden {m}

soil that has become unsuitable for decomposition verwesungsmüder Boden

to decompact the soil den Boden / die Erde gut durcharbeiten; lockern [listen]

hybridization; hybridisation [Br.]; annealing [listen] Hybridisierung {f} [biochem.]

molecular hybridization molekulare Hybridisierung

in-situ hybridization (antigen detection) In-situ-Hybridisierung {f} (Antigennachweis)

fluorescence in situ hybridisation /FISH/ Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung {f} /FISH/

colony hybridization Koloniehybridisierung {f}; Grunstein-Hogness-Methode {f}

Northern hybridization Northern-Hybridisierung {f}

Southern hybridization Southern-Hybridisierung {f}

in situ am Standort (selbst); vor Ort {adv} [envir.] [techn.] [listen]

in-situ soil remediation Bodensanierung am betroffenen Standort; Bodenaufbereitung in situ

satellite-based in-situ measurements satellitengestützte in-situ-Messungen

bioremediation biologische Sanierung {f}; Biosanierung {f} [envir.]

in-situ bioremediation Biosanierung in situ; biologische Sanierung am kontaminierten Standort

material [listen] Material {n} [geol.] [listen]

fill alluviales Material

drifted material; washed-up material angeschwemmtes Material

in-place material; in-situ material anstehendes Material

gap-graded material diskontinuierlich abgestuftes Material

refractory feuerfestes Material

incoherent material loses Material

fines (of ore) [listen] pulvriges Material

volcanic debris; volcanic rubble unkonsolidiertes pyroklastisches Material