Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

in-between; tweener [Am.] [coll.] (a person or thing in between recognized categories) Zwischending {n} (das in keine Kategorie passt)

in-between meal; in-between meal snack; snack [listen] Zwischenmahlzeit {f} [cook.]

in-between meals; in-between meal snacks; snacks Zwischenmahlzeiten {pl}

morning snack; mid-morning snack; elevenses [Br.] [dated] zweites Frühstück {n}; Vesper {f,n} [BW]; Brotzeit {f} [Bayr.]; Gabelfrühstück {n} [Ös.]; Znüni {n} [Schw.]; Halbmittag {m} [Südtirol]

afternoon snack; mid-afternoon snack Kaffeetrinken {n}; Vesper {f,n} [BW]; Brotzeit {f} [Bayr.]; Jause {f} [Ös.]; Zvieri {n} [Schw.]; Marend(e) {f} [Südtirol]

in-between season wear Übergangskleidung {f} [textil.]

in-between season Übergangszeit {f} [textil.]

in-between times Zwischendurch {n}

reading for in-between times Lesestoff für Zwischendurch

in-between move Zwischenzug {m}

city [listen] Stadt {f}; Großstadt {f} [listen]

cities [listen] Städte {pl}; Großstädte {pl}

giant city; gigantic city; megalopolis Riesenstadt {f}

"in-between" city Zwischenstadt {f}

the city of Prague die Stadt Prag

to stop the game (in-between); to blow the final whistle (at the end) das Spiel abpfeifen; abpfeifen {vt} [sport]

stopping the game; blowing the final whistle das Spiel abpfeifend; abpfeifend

stopped the game; blown the final whistle das Spiel abgepfiffen; abgepfiffen