Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

honeydew Honigtau {m}; Mehltau {m} [agr.] [zool.]

honey [listen] Honig {m} [agr.] [cook.]

baker's honey Backhonig {m}

blossom honey; flower honey Blütenhonig {m}

chestnut honey Kastanienhonig {m}

clover honey Kleehonig {m}

artificial honey Kunsthonig

lime-blossom honey Lindenblütenhonig {m}

rapeseed honey Rapshonig {m}

comb honey Wabenhonig {m}; Scheibenhonig {m}

honeydew honey Waldhonig {m}

to extract honey Honig schleudern

to butter sb. up; to schmooze sb. jdm. Honig um den Bart schmieren; jdm. Honig ums Maul schmieren [übtr.]

musk melon Zuckermelone {f} (Cucumis melo) [bot.] [cook.]

honeydew melon; winter melon; crenshaw melon; casaba melon Honigmelone {f}; Amarillo {f} (Cucumis melo inodorus)

sugar melon; rock melon; Persion melon; cantaloupe melon; canteloupe melon Warzenmelone {f}; Kantalupmelone {f} (Cucumis melo cantalupensis)