Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

farmer's wife; countrywoman Bäuerin {f}; Bauersfrau {f}

countrywomen Bäuerinnen {pl}

farmer's bread Bauernbrot {n} [cook.]

farmer's breads Bauernbrote {pl}

farmer's wife Bauersfrau {f}

farmer's cheese Speisequark {m}

(weekly) farmer's market; country market Bauernmarkt {m}; Wochenmarkt {m} [agr.]

farmer's markets; country markets Bauernmärkte {pl}; Wochenmärkte {pl}

bread [listen] Brot {n} [listen]

breads Brote {pl}

farmer's bread Bauernbrot {n}

artisan bread Hausmacherbrot {n}

carrot bread Karottenbrot {n}

pumpkin seed bread Kürbiskernbrot {n}

linseed bread Leinsamenbrot {n}

(mixed) wheat-and-rye bread Mischbrot {n}

nut bread Nussbrot {n}

pull-apart bread Zupfbrot {n}

onion bread Zwiebelbrot {n}

wrapped bread abgepacktes Brot

dark bread dunkles Brot

new bread frisches Brot

leavened bread gesäuertes Brot

home-baked bread selbstgebackenes Brot

seeded bread Brot mit Kernen und Samen

Man does not live by bread alone. (Bible) [prov.] Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein. (Bibel) [Sprw.]

cooperative society; co-operative society [Br.]; cooperative; co-operative [Br.] [listen] Genossenschaft {f}

cooperative societies; co-operative societies; cooperatives; co-operatives Genossenschaften {pl}

registered cooperative society eingetragene Genossenschaft

trade cooperative; industrial cooperative; trade and industrial cooperative; industrial and provident society [Br.] gewerbliche Genossenschaft; Erwerbsgenossenschaft {f}; Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaft {f}

cooperative with limited / unlimited liability to make an additional contribution Genossenschaft mit beschränkter / unbeschränkter Nachschusspflicht

cooperative without liability to make an additional contribution Genossenschaft ohne Nachschusspflicht

marketing cooperative society; marketing cooperative Absatzgenossenschaft {f}

building cooperative society; building cooperative; cooperative housing association Baugenossenschaft {f}

purchasing cooperative society; purchasing cooperative Einkaufsgenossenschaft {f}

craft cooperative society; craft cooperative Handwerkergenossenschaft {f}

credit cooperative society; credit cooperative; credit union [Am.] Kreditgenossenschaft {f}

industrial credit cooperative gewerbliche Kreditgenossenschaft

agricultural credit cooperative; farmer's credit cooperative; rural credit cooperative landwirtschaftliche Kreditgenossenschaft; ländliche Kreditgenossenschaft

agricultural cooperative society; agricultural cooperative; farmer's cooperative landwirtschafliche Genossenschaft; Agrargenossenschaft {f}

dairy cooperative society; dairy cooperative Molkereigenossenschaft {f}