Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

(pair of) trousers [Br.]; (pair of) pants [Am.]; trews [Br.] [coll.]; strides [Br.] [coll.]; kecks [Br.] [coll.]; daks [Austr.] [coll.]; rammies [Austr.] [coll.]; reach-me-downs [dated]; britches [Am.] [coll.] [dated] [listen] [listen] lange Hose {f}; Hose {f} [textil.] [listen]

trousers; pants [listen] [listen] Hosen {pl}

cotton trousers [Br.]; cotton pants [Am.] Baumwollhose {f}

pleat-front trousers [Br.]; pleated trousers [Br.]/pants [Am.]; trousers [Br.]/pants [Am.] with front pleats Bundfaltenhose {f}

Capri trousers [Br.]; Capri pants [Am.] Caprihose {f}

cargo trousers [Br.]; cargo pants [Am.]; cargoes [coll.]; combat trousers [Br.]; combat pants [Am.]; combats [coll.] Cargohose {f}; Kampfhose {f}

3/4 length trousers [Br.]; 3/4 length pants [Am.] Dreiviertelhose {f}

slacks; chinos; chino trousers [Br.]; chino pants [Am.] Freizeithose {f}; Chinohose {f}; Chino {f}

high-water trousers [Br.]; high-water pants [Am.]; floods [Am.] Hochwasserhose {f} [humor.]

low-rise trousers [Br.]; low-rise pants [Am.]; hip-huggers; hipsters [Br.] Hüfthose {f}; tiefgeschnittene Hose {f}

peg-top trousers; peg-top pants [Am.] Karottenhose {f}

wedge-shaped trousers [Br.]; wedge pants [Am.] Keilhose {f}

knee breeches; breeches; britches [Am.] [coll.] (enganliegende) Kniebundhose {f}; Kniehose {f}

knickerbockers; knickers (lockere) Kniebundhose {f}; Kniehose {f}; Knickerbocker {pl}

corduroy trousers [Br.]; corduroy pants [Am.] Kordhose {f}; Cordhose {f}; Manchester-Hose {f} [Nordwestdt.]; Schnürlsamthose {f} [Ös.]

leather shorts (with H-shaped braces); lederhosen kurze Trachtenlederhose {f}; kurze Lederhose {f}; Lederne {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [ugs.]; Seppelhose {f} [Norddt.] [ugs.] (mit H-Trägern)

leather trousers [Br.]; leather pants [Am.] (modische) Lederhose {f}

pantaloons Pantalons {pl} [hist.]

bloomers Pluderhose {f}; Pumphose {f}; Flatterhose {f}

harem pants; yoga pants; pantaloons Pluderhose {f} für Damen [textil.]

splash trousers [Br.]; splash pants [Am.] Regenhose {f}; Matschhose {f} (bei Kindern)

horse riding breeches; riding breeches; riding britches [Am.] [coll.] Reithose {f}; Stiefelhose {f}

jodhpur trousers [Br.]; jodhpur pants [Am.]; jodhpurs lange Reithose {f}; Jodhpur-Reithose {f}

satin trousers; satin pants Satinhose {f}

baggy trousers [Br.]; baggy pants [Am.] Schlabberhose {f}; schlotternde Hose {f}

bell-bottom trousers [Br.]; bell-bottomed trousers [Br.]; bell-bottomed plants [Am.]; bell-bottoms; flares Schlaghose {f}; Glockenhose {f} [Ös.]; ausgestellte Hose {f}

ski trousers [Br.]; ski pants [Am.] Skihose {f}

ski salopettes Skihose / Schihose mit Hosenträgern; Schneehose mit Hosenträgern

stirrup trousers [Br.]; stirrup pants [Am.] Steghose {f} [sport]

tracksuit bottoms [Br.]; jogging bottoms [Br.]; sweatpants [Am.]; tracksuit pants [Am.]; jogging pants [Am.] Trainingshose {f}; Trainerhose {f} [Schw.]; Jogginghose {f}

all-weather trousers; all-weather pants wetterfeste Hose

yoga pants Yogahose {f}

all-season trousers; all-season pants Hose für jede Jahreszeit

to find a pair of trousers that fit perfectly [Br.] eine Hose finden, die wie angegossen sitzt

the ideal pair of pants for golfers [Am.] die ideale Hose für Golfer

downland; downs (vegetationsarme) Kreidehügel {pl} [geogr.]

up-and-down; vicissitudinous [rare]; full of ups and downs; full of vicissitudes (postpositive) wechselvoll {adj}

to have a history of vicissitudes auf eine wechselvolle Geschichte zurückblicken [hist.]

'Ups and Downs' (by Nestroy / work title) "Zu ebener Erde und erster Stock" (von Nestroy / Werktitel) [lit.]

tear-down (building); demolished house Abrisshaus {n}

tear-downs; demolished houses Abrisshäuser {pl}

washout WC pan; washout pan; flat wash down Flachspüler {m} (Toilettenbeckenform) [constr.]

washout WC pans; washout pans; flat wash downs Flachspüler {pl}

closing / closing-down / close-down / closure of a/the business/shop Geschäftsauflösung {f}; Geschäftsaufgabe {f}; Geschäftsschließung {f} [econ.]

closings / closing-downs / close-downs / closures of a/the business/shop Geschäftsauflösungen {pl}; Geschäftsaufgaben {pl}; Geschäftsschließungen {pl}

to land on your feet; to fall on your feet [Br.] [fig.] noch Glück dabei haben {vi}

He lost his job but landed/fell on his feet when he was hired by another company. Er verlor seinen Arbeitsplatz, hatte aber noch Glück, denn er wurde von einer anderen Firma eingestellt.

She's really landed on her feet with this new job. Mit der neuen Stelle hat sie wirklich einen Glücktreffer gelandet.

After some ups and downs he has finally landed on his feet. Nach einigen Höhen und Tiefen hat er jetzt sein Glück gefunden.

up [listen] Höhepunkt {m} [listen]

the ups and downs die Höhen und Tiefen

the ups and downs of life die Höhen und Tiefen des Lebens

vicissitudes Wechselfälle {pl}

the vicissitudes of life; the ups and downs of life die Wechselfälle des Lebens

cast-off [Br.]; hand-me-down [Am.]; reach-me-down [coll.] [dated] (item that has been used by someone else before) abgelegtes Stück {n}; gebrauchtes Stück {n} (von jd. anderem)

to have to wear the cast-offs / hand-me-downs from your brothers and sisters die alten Sachen seiner Geschwister tragen müssen

to come with the territory; to go with the territory (of sth. / when doing sth.) einfach dazugehören (einfach) dazugehörden (zu etw. / bei etw.) {vi}

all the tensions, ups and downs that go with the territory of being in a family all die Spannungen, Höhen und Tiefen, die in einer Familie einfach dazugehören

It goes with the territory of being human. Das gehört zum Menschen einfach dazu.

Groupies come with the territory when you're in a rock band. Groupies gehören bei einer Rockband immer dazu.

mental [listen] mental; geistig; seelisch; spirituell {adj} [listen]

mental strain; emotional strain seelische Belastung {f}

mental ups and downs; fluctuations in one's mental state seelische Schwankungen

mental disturbance seelische Störung