Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

hardwood stem cuttings; hardwood cuttings Altholzschnitt {m} [agr.]

clippings; cuttings Mähgut {n} [agr.]

lawn clippings; grass clippings; grass cuttings Rasenmähgut {n}; Rasenschnittgut {n}; Grasschnittgut {n}

mown grass; grass cuttings; grasscut Mahd {f}; Gemähte {n}; Grasschnitt {m} [agr.]

to detach cuttings spanabhebend verformen {vt} [techn.]

drill cuttings sample; dry sample Bohrmehlprobe {f} [geol.]

boring sludge; bore detritus; drilling mud; drilling fluid; sludge cuttings; drill cuttings; ditch cuttings; slime; silt Bohrschlamm {m}; Bohrschmant {m}; Bohrtrübe {f} [geol.]

boring sludge; bore detritus; drilling mud [fluid]; sludge cuttings; drill cuttings; ditch cuttings; slime; silt Bohrspülung {f}; Bohrflüssigkeit {f}

clear-cutting; clearcut; clearfelling Kahlschlag {m}

clear-cuttings Kahlschläge {pl}

stem cutting; cutting; scion; slip [listen] [listen] Steckling {m}; Steckreis {n} [bot.]

stem cuttings; cuttings; scions; slips Stecklinge {pl}; Steckreise {pl}

to plant cuttings (at regular intervals) Stecklinge abstecken; einpflanzen

tax reduction; tax cut; tax cutting Steuersenkung {f} [pol.] [fin.]

tax reductions; tax cuts; tax cuttings Steuersenkungen {pl}

propagation (of plants) [listen] Vermehrung {f} (von Pflanzen) [agr.]

propagation by seed Vermehrung durch Samen; Samenvermehrung {f}

propagation by cuttings Vermehrung durch Stecklinge; Stecklingsvermehrung {f}

newspaper cutting; press cutting; newspaper/news/press clipping [Am.] [listen] Zeitungsausschnitt {m}

newspaper cuttings; press cuttings; newspaper/news/press clippings Zeitungsausschnitte {pl}

a collection of historical newspaper clippings eine Sammlung von historischen Zeitungsausschnitten

sludge sample; ditch sample; drill cutting; drill chip Spülprobe {f} [min.]

sludge samples; ditch samples; drill cuttings; drill chips Spülproben {pl}