Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

building work and supplies; building work; construction work and supplies; construction work Bauleistung {f} [constr.] [econ.]

building work and supplies; building works and supplies [Br.]; building works [Br.]; construction work and supplies; construction works and supplies [Br.]; construction works [Br.] Bauleistungen {pl}

construction variation [Br.]; altered constrcution segment [Am.] geänderte Bauleistung; geänderte Leistung; abgeänderte Leistung

addendum work; addendum [listen] nachträgliche Bauleistung; Nachstragsleistung {f}; Nachtrag {m} [listen]

accounting of executed works [Br.] / of executed work [Am.] Abrechnung der erbrachten Bauleistungen