Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

stand-up comedian; stand-up comic; stand-up Bühnenkomiker {m}

stand-up comedians; stand-up comics; stand-ups Bühnenkomiker {pl}

comic; comedian; comedienne (rare and slightly affected); comedy actor; comedy actress; funny man; funny woman Komiker {m}; Komikerin {f}; Spaßmacher {m} [humor.]; Spaßmacherin {f} [humor.]

comics; comedians; comediennes; comedy actors; comedy actresses; funny men; funny women Komiker {pl}; Komikerinnen {pl}; Spaßmacher {pl}; Spaßmacherinnen {pl}

comedy double act; comic double act Komikerduo {n}

to raise the roof ordentlich Krach machen; ordentlich Krach schlagen [pej.]; feiern/johlen, dass es nur so kracht / dass die Wände wackeln; das Haus/Stadion zum Beben/Wackeln bringen {vt} [soc.]

Her mother raised the roof when she came home late. Als sie zu spät nach Hause kam, hat ihre Mutter ordentlich Krach geschlagen.

The comics fired up the crowd and raised the roof. Die Komiker heizten die Stimmung an und brachten das Haus zum Wackeln.

The fans raised the roof when the winning goal was scored. Als das Siegestor fiel, brachten die Fans das Stadion zum Beben / war bei den Fans die Hölle los.

motif [listen] Motiv {n} (charakteristische Struktur) [art] [lit.] [mus.] [photo.] [listen]

motifs Motive {pl}

Manhattan as a photographic motif Manhattan als Fotomotiv

a popular pictorial motif in Renaissance painting ein beliebtes Bildmotiv der Renaissancemalerei

socks with cartoon/comics motifs Socken mit Zeichentrickmotiven

novel [listen] Roman {m}; Langerzählung {f} [selten] [lit.]

novels Romane {pl}

adventure novel Abenteuerroman {m}

cloak-and-dagger novel Agentenroman {m}; Spionageroman {m}

medical romance novel; medical fiction Arztroman {m}

coming-of-age novel; bildungsroman Bildungsroman {m}

epistolary novel Briefroman {m}

private detective novel; private investigator novel; PI novel Detektivroman {m}

dialogue novel; dialog novel Dialogroman {m}

entwicklungsroman; development novel Entwicklungsroman {m}

fantasy novel Fantasy-Roman {m}

serial novel; serial [listen] Fortsetzungsroman {m}

photo comic; photonovel; fotonovela Fotoroman {m}

photo comics; photonovels; fotonovelas Fotoromane {pl}

contemporary novel Gegenwartsroman {m}

penny dreadful; dime novel [Am.] Groschenroman {m}; Heftroman {m}; Hintertreppenroman {m}; Kitschroman {m}; Billigroman {m} [lit.]

rural novel; regional novel Heimatroman {m}

serialized pulp novel Kolportageroman {m}

detective novel; mystery novel Kriminalroman {m} [lit.]

Künstlerroman; artist novel Künstlerroman {m}

short novel Kurzroman {m}

romantic novel Liebesroman {m}

write-along novel; collaborative novel Mitschreibroman {m}; Interaktivroman {m}

horror novel; Gothic novel Schauerroman {m}; Gruselroman {m} [lit.]

picaresque novel Schelmenroman {m}; pikarischer/pikaresker Roman

roman a clef Schlüsselroman {m}

funny novel Schmunzelroman {m}

trashy novel; pulp novel Schundroman {m}; Kitschroman {m}

sensation novel Sensationsroman {m}

novel of manners Sittenroman {m}

non-fiction novel Tatsachenroman {m}

science fiction novel; sci-fi novel Zukunftsroman {m}; Science-Fiction-Roman {m}

comic strip; comic [Am.]; cartoon strip; cartoon [listen] Zeichentrickgeschichte {f}; Comicstrip {m} (in Zeitungen /Zeitschriften)

comic strips; comics; cartoon strips; cartoons Zeichentrickgeschichten {pl}; Comicstrips {pl}

comic book; comic Zeichentrickheft {n}; Comic-Heft {n}; Comicbuch {n}

comic books; comics Zeichentrickhefte {pl}; Comic-Hefte {pl}; Comicbücher {pl}

children's comic Kindercomic {m}