Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

synthesis [listen] Synthese {f}

syntheses Synthesen {pl}

aperture synthesis (telescope) Apertursynthese {f} (Teleskop)

rendering; image synthesis (computer graphics) [listen] Bildgenerierung {f}; Bildsynthese {f}; Bildaufbereitung {f} anhand von Rohdaten (Computergrafik) [comp.]

to render the graphic die Grafik generieren

diene synthesis; Diels-Alder reaction Diensynthese {f}; Diels-Alder-Reaktion {f} [chem.]

fixed-bed synthesis; packed-bed synthesis Festbettsynthese {f} [chem.]

fatty acid synthesis Fettsäuresynthese {f} [chem.]

integrated work of art; total work of art; synthesis of the arts Gesamtkunstwerk {n} [art]

to form an integrated work of art ein Gesamtkunstwerk darstellen

sound synthesis; tone synthesis Klangsynthese {f}

nucleotide synthesis Nukleotidsynthese {f} [biochem.]

predicate synthesis Prädikatensynthese {f}

primer (for macromolecule synthesis) [listen] Primer {m} (Startermolekül für Makromolekülsynthese) [biochem.]

Traube purine synthesis; Traube synthesis Traube'sche Purinsynthese {f} [biochem.]

de novo synthesis of pyrimidines Pyrimidin-De novo-Synthese {f} [biochem.]

reagent-grade; pro synthesis (purity grade) in Reagenzqualität; zur Synthese /z. Synth./ (Reinheitsgrad) [chem.]

cholesterol synthesis inhibitor; HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor; reductase inhibitor Reduktase-Hemmer {m} [pharm.]

speech synthesis Sprachsynthese {f}

primer (for nucleic acid synthesis) [listen] Starter {m} (bei der Nukleinsäuresynthese) [biochem.]

harmonic synthesis; Fourier synthesis harmonische Synthese {f}; Fourier-Synthese {f} [math.] [phys.]

syngas; synthesis gas Synthesegas {n} [chem.]

Wurtz synthesis Wurtz'sche Synthese {f} [chem.]

cell-free protein synthesis; in-vitro protein synthesis zellfreie Genexpression {f}; zellfreie Proteinsynthese {f}; In-vitro Genexpression {f} [biochem.]

Haber-Bosch process; Haber process (ammonia synthesis) Haber-Bosch-Verfahren {n} (Ammoniaksynthese) [chem.]

gene sequencing; DNA sequencing DNS-Sequenzbestimmung {f}; DNS-Sequenzierung {f}; Gensequenzierung {f}; Genentschlüsselung {f} [biochem.]

full genome sequencing /FGS/; whole genome sequencing /WGS/ Gesamtgenomsequenzierung {f}

ion semiconductor sequencing Ionen-Halbleiter-Sequenzierung {f}

next-generation sequencing /NGS/; high-throughput sequencing; long-read sequencing; massive parallel sequencing Sequenzierung der zweiten Generation; Hochdurchsatz-Sequenzierung {f}; massiv-parallele Sequenzierung

sequencing-by-synthesis; synthesis sequencing Sequenzierung durch Synthese

sequencing by ligation; ligation sequencing; post-light sequencing Sequenzierung durch Ligation; Post-Light-Sequenzierung {f}

human genome project Forschungsprojekt zur Entschlüsselung der menschlichen Genstruktur; Humangenomprojekt {n}

theory of evolution; evolutionary theory Evolutionstheorie {f}; Evolutionslehre {f} [biol.]

Darwinistic theory of evolution; Darwinism darwinistische Evolutionstheorie; Darwinismus {m}

neo-Darwinistic theory of evolution; neo-Darwinism; synthetic theory of evolution; neo-Darwinist synthesis; modern synthesis neodarwinistische Evolutionstheorie; neodarwin'sche Theorie; Neodarwinismus {m}; synthetische Evolutionstheorie; neodarwinistische Synthese; moderne Evolutionssynthese; moderne Synthese

reagent Reagens {n}; Reagenz {n}; Reagenzie {f} [chem.]

reagents Reagenzien {pl}

electrophoresis reagents Elektrophoresereagenzien {pl}

precipitating agent Fällungsreagens {n}

detection reagent Nachweisreagens {n}

synthesis reagent Synthesereagens {n}

nucleophilic reagent; nucleophile nukleophiles Reagens; nucleophile Reagenzie

reagent grade als Reagens (geeignet)

to merge; to consolidate; to amalgamate [Br.] a company with another; to effect a merger between two companies [listen] [listen] eine Firma mit einer anderen fusionieren; zusammenlegen {vt} [econ.]

merging; consolidating; amalgamating a company with another; effecting a merger between two companies [listen] eine Firma mit einer anderen fusionierend; zusammenlegend

merged; consolidated; amalgamated a company with another; effected a merger between two companies [listen] [listen] eine Firma mit einer anderen fusioniert; zusammengelegt

In 2008, Delta and Northwest airlines united to form the world's largest airline. 2008 fusionierten Delta und Northwest Airlines zur weltgrößten Fluggesellschaft.

Synthesis Bank (was) later merged with Saxo Bank. Die Synthesis Bank wurde / hat [ugs.] später mit der Saxo Bank fusioniert.