Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

need; requirement; requirements [listen] [listen] [listen] Bedarf {m} (an etw.) (Umstand, dass etwas benötigt wird) [listen]

protein requirement Eiweißbedarf {m}

yearly need; yearly requirement Jahresbedarf {m}

increased requirements erhöhter Bedarf

anticipated requirement voraussichtlicher Bedarf

in cases of urgent need bei dringendem/akutem Bedarf

There is an urgent need for quality professionals. Es besteht dringender Bedarf an gut ausgebildeten Fachkräften.

requirements catalogue; requirements document; requirements list; requirements specification Anforderungskatalog {m}; Anforderungsliste {f}; Bedarfsaufstellung {f}; Lastenheft {n} [econ.]

requirements catalogues; requirements documents; requirements lists; requirements specifications Anforderungskataloge {pl}; Anforderungslisten {pl}; Bedarfsaufstellungen {pl}; Lastenhefte {pl}

product requirements document Produktbeschreibung {f}

requirements development Anforderungsentwicklung {f}

requirements profile Anforderungsprofil {n}

requirements for credit standards; creditworthiness requirements; credit rating requirements Bonitätsanforderungen {pl} [fin.]

requirements for green spaces/areas (in a town) Grünflächenbedarf {m} (in einer Stadt)

requirements specification Anforderungsspezifikation {f} [techn.]

requirements Management Anforderungsmanagement {n} [econ.]

absence of requirements as to form Formfreiheit {f}

the principle that a contract is not subject to any formal requirement der Grundsatz der Formfreiheit eines Vertrags

There is no requirement as to form. Es besteht Formfreiheit.

peacetime requirements Anforderungen {pl} in Friedenszeiten [pol.] [mil.]

application requirements Anmeldevorschriften {pl}

reporting requirements; obligation to notify the authorities; compulsory reporting; mandatory reporting Anzeigepflicht {f}; Meldepflicht {f}; Benachrichtigungspflicht {f} (bei Vorfällen) [adm.]

labour requirements; manpower requirements Arbeitskräftebedarf {m}

job requirements Arbeitsplatzerfordernisse {pl}

carriage requirements (for vessels) Ausrüstungspflicht {f} (für Schiffe)

project requirements for tendering [Br.] / bidding [Am.]; requirements for tenderes [Br.] / bidders [Am.]; tendering requirements [Br.] / bidding requirements [Am.]; preconditions for tenderers [Br.] Ausschreibungsvorgaben {pl}; Teilnahmebedingungen {pl} [econ.]

analysis of requirements; requirement analysis Bedarfsanalyse {f}

analysiss of requirements; requirement analyses Bedarfsanalysen {pl}

scantling requirements Bemessungsanforderungen {pl}

application requirements Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen {pl}

domestic requirements (of a country) Eigenbedarf {m} (eines Landes) [econ.]

capital requirements Eigenkapitalregeln {pl} [fin.] [pol.]

capital adequacy requirements; required capital contribution; equity requirement Eigenmittelanforderungen {pl}; erforderliche Eigenleistung {f} [econ.]

waste acceptance requirements (nuclear waste) Endlagerungsbedingungen {pl} (Atommüll)

appointment requirements Ernennungserfordernisse {pl} [adm.]

examination as to formal requirements Formalprüfung {f}

peacetime needs; peacetime requirements Friedensbedarf {m} [pol.]

aggregate demand; total requirements Gesamtbedarf {m} [econ.]

base-load requirements Grundlastbedarf {m} [electr.]

habitat requirements Habitatansprüche {pl}; Biotopansprüche {pl} [biol.]

capital requirements Kapitalbedarf {m}

estimate of cash requirements Kassenhaltungsplan {m} [econ.] [fin.]

power requirements; energy demand Leistungsbedarf {m}

light requirements Lichtbedürfnisse {pl}

material requirements Materialbedarf {m}

materials requirements planner /MRP/ Materialdisponent {m}; Materialdisponentin {f} [econ.]

materials requirements planners Materialdisponenten {pl}; Materialdisponentinnen {pl}

to be subject to reporting requirements (person) (in respect of suspicious activities) einer/der Meldepflicht unterliegen; meldepflichtig sein {v} (Person) (in Bezug auf verdächtige Aktivitäten) [adm.]

professional groups subject to reporting requirements meldepflichtige Berufsgruppen

minimum rules; minimum requirements; minimum standards; minimum regulations Mindestvorschriften {pl}

staffing requirements Mitarbeiteranforderung {f}

nutritional requirements Nahrungsbedarf {m}

disclosure requirements; disclosure obligations; compulsory disclosure; publicity requirements Offenlegungspflicht {f}; Offenlegungserfordernisse {pl}; Publizitätspflicht {f} [econ.]

design requirements Planungsanforderungen {pl}

examination requirements Prüfungsanforderungen {pl} [stud.]

qualification requirements Qualifizierungsanforderung {f}

qualification requirements Qualifikationsbedarf {m}

debt service coverage ratio; ratio of cash flow to debt service requirements Schuldendienstdeckungsgrad {m} [fin.]

debt service requirements Schuldendiensterfordernisse {pl} [fin.]

training requirements Schulungsbedarf {m}

storage requirements; storage space required Speicherbedarf {m} [comp.]

main memory requirements Bedarf an Arbeitsspeicher

habitat requirements Standortansprüche {pl} [bot.]

system requirements Systemanforderungen {pl}; Systemvoraussetzungen {pl} [comp.]

minimum system requirements minimale Systemanforderungen

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