Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

high-rise building; high-rise; high-riser; tower block Hochhaus {n} [arch.]

high-rise buildings; high-rises; high-risers; tower blocks Hochhäuser {pl}

point high-rise (building); point tower block Punkthochhaus {n}

slab high-rise (building); slab tower block Scheibenhochhaus {n}

winged high-rise (building); winged tower block Sternhochhaus {n}

She lives in a high rise overlooking the river. Sie lebt in einem Hochhaus mit Blick auf den Fluss.

residential high-rise; high-rise residential building Wohnhochhaus {n}

residential high-rises; high-rise residential buildings Wohnhochhäuser {pl}

to knife into sth. in etw. stechen; in etw. ragen {vi}

The gulls knife into the wind. Die Möwen stechen in den Wind.

High-rises knife into the sky. Hochhäuser stechen in den Himmel.