Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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funds [listen] Geldmittel {pl}; Gelder {pl}; Mittel {pl} [fin.]

cash funds Barmittel {pl}

original own funds Basiseigenmittel {pl}

own funds eigene Mittel

discretionary funds frei verfügbare Geldmittel; frei verfügbare Mittel

public funds; public resources öffentliche Mittel

project funds Projektmittel {pl}; Projektgelder {pl}

within our means; within the limits of our resources im Rahmen unserer (finanziellen) Möglichkeiten

to park funds (deposit them temporarily) Gelder parken (vorübergehend deponieren)

He parked the funds temporarily in this company/account. Die Gelder wurden von ihm in dieser Firma/auf diesem Konto zwischengeparkt.

your money; your cash; your funds; your finances Kasse {f} (Geld, das jdm. zur Verfügung steht) [fin.] [listen]

to hold a joint/common purse; to hold joint/common funds gemeinsame Kasse machen/haben

to hold separate purses/funds getrennte Kasse machen/haben

public funds öffentliche Kassen

to be in funds; to be flush with funds/cash [coll.]; to be flush [coll.] gut bei Kasse sein

to be short of money; to be short of cash; to be out of funds; to be a bit hard up knapp/schlecht bei Kasse sein; klamm sein [ugs.]

I'm short of cash this month.; I'm a little short this week. Ich bin diese Woche (etwas) knapp bei Kasse.

funds available for financing Finanzierungsmittel {pl} [fin.]

funds manager; investment adviser [Am.] Fondsmanager {m}; Fondsmanagerin {f} [fin.]

funds managers; investment advisers Fondsmanager {pl}; Fondsmanagerinnen {pl}

to pay funds; to pay over funds; to transfer funds to sb. Gelder an jdn. abführen {vt} [fin.]

profit to be transferred abzuführender Gewinn

to transfer profits (between affiliated companies) Gewinne abführen

to pay monies into the reserve fund Gelder an den Reservefonds abführen

to pay taxes over to the revenue office Steuern an das Finanzamt abführen

to transfer/upstream financial resources to the parent company Finanzmittel an die Muttergesellschaft abführen [econ.]

donor; funder; provider of funds; lender of capital; lender [listen] Geldgeber {m}; Kapitalgeber {m}; Finanzier {m}; Financier {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] [fin.]

donors; funders; providers of funds; lenders of capital; lenders Geldgeber {pl}; Kapitalgeber {pl}; Finanziere {pl}; Financiere {pl}

the international donors die internationalen Geldgeber

the relationship between management and capital investors das Verhältnis zwischen Management und Kapitalgebern

donor country; donor nation Geberland {n}; Gebernation {f}

your own resources; your own funds (capital and reserves) Eigenmittel {pl}; eigene Mittel {pl} (Kapital und Reserven) [fin.]

capital funds Eigenmittel beim Bausparen

an enterprise's provision with capital and reserves Eigenmittelausstattung eines Unternehmens

self-generated funds; internally generated funds; internal funds (of a company) Eigenmittel {pl} eines Unternehmens (firmenintern aufgebrachte Mittel) [econ.] [fin.]

liable own funds of financial institutions haftende Eigenmittel von Geldinstituten

a company's internal funds without limit keiner Beschränkung unterliegende Eigenmittel eines Unternehmens

injection of money / funds / fresh funds / capital; money injection; funds injection; capital injection; financial shot in the arm Finanzspritze {f}; Geldspritze {f}; Kapitalspritze {f} [econ.]

injections of money / funds / fresh funds / capital; money injections; funds injections; capital injections; financial shots in the arm Finanzspritzen {pl}; Geldspritzen {pl}; Kapitalspritzen {pl}

cash injection Bargeldspritze {f}; Barmittelspritze {f}; Liquiditätsspritze {f}

to withdraw capital/funds from a place Kapital/Geld von einem Ort abziehen {vi} [pej.] [fin.]

to withdraw capital from a business/country Kapital von einem Betrieb/aus einem Land abziehen

to withdraw funds from a bank account Gelder von einem Bankkonto abziehen/abdisponieren

diversion of funds Abzweigen {n} von Geldern; Verschieben {m} von Geldern; Malversationen {pl} [Ös.] [fin.]

based on investment funds; fund-based auf Anlagefonds aufgebaut; fondsbasiert {adj} [fin.]

fund of funds Dachfonds {m} [fin.]

cover funds Deckungsmittel {pl} [fin.]

capital ratio; equity share; equity ratio; ratio of equity to total capital; ratio of owners' / shareholders' funds to total assets Eigenkapitalanteil {m}; Eigenkapitalquote {f} [econ.]

internal generation of funds; raising equity Eigenmittelaufbringung {f} [econ.]

a company's provision with its own funds / with capital and reserves Eigenmittelausstattung {f} eines Unternehmens [econ.]

proof of financial resources; proof of sufficient funds Finanzierungsnachweis {m}

absorption of funds Finanzmittelbindung {f} [fin.]

allocation of funds Finanzmittelzuweisung {f}; Mittelvergabe {f} [fin.]

aid funds; support funds; aid money Fördergelder {pl}; Fördermittel {pl}; Förderungen {pl} [adm.] [fin.]

outside funds; outside resources Fremdmittel {pl}

borrowed money; borrowed funds Fremdmittel {pl} [fin.]

flow of money; flow of funds Geldfluss {m}; Geldflüsse {pl}; Geldbewegungen {pl} [fin.]

source of money; source of funds; source of funding; source of financing Geldquelle {f} [fin.]

sources of money; sources of funds; sources of funding; sources of financing Geldquellen {pl}

transfer of funds Geldtransfer {m} [fin.]

budget funds; budgetary funds; budget resources; budgetary resources Haushaltsmittel {pl}; Budgetmittel {pl} [fin.]

budgetary funds Haushaltsmittel {pl}

disaster funds Havariefonds {pl}; Geldmittel für den Katastrophenfall

flow-of-funds analysis; flow statement Kapitalflussrechnung {f}; Bewegungsbilanz {f} [fin.]

cash funds; cash resources Kassenmittel {pl}; Kassamittel {pl} [Ös.] [Schw.] [econ.] [fin.]

use/utilization of funds; use/utilization of appropriations; use/utilization of resources Mittelverwendung {f} [adm.] [fin.]

a ward's property; funds/property held in trust for a ward Mündelvermögen {n} [jur.]

mutual funds; risk funds Risikofonds {m} [fin.]

debt service funds Schuldendienstmittel {pl} [fin.]

savings funds Spargelder {pl} [fin.]

speculative funds; hot funds [coll.] Spekulationsgelder {pl} [fin.]

public funds Staatsgelder {pl}

structural funds Strukturfonds {pl}

trust monies; trust funds; trust deposits Treuhandgelder {pl} [fin.]

trust property; trust estate; trust funds; assets held in trust; subject matter of the trust Treuhandvermögen {n}; Treuhandeigentum {n} [fin.]

trust income Einkünfte aus Treuhandvermögen

campaign funds Wahlkampfgelder {pl} [pol.]

high-powered money; federal funds Zentralbankgeld {n} [fin.]

to unfreeze funds Gelder/Guthaben freigeben {vt} [fin.] [jur.] [listen]

liquid funds; liquid assets liquide Mittel {pl}; flüssige Mittel {pl} [fin.]

federal funds Bundesmittel {pl} [fin.]

client funds; customer deposits Kundengelder {pl} [fin.]

fund management; funds management company Fondsleitung {f} [fin.]

commitment of expenditure; funds commitment; budgetary commitment Mittelbindung {f} [adm.] [fin.]

own funds; equity contribution Eigenbeteiligung {f} [fin.]

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