Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

deacon Diakon {m} [relig.]

deacons Diakone {pl}

permanent deacon ständiger Diakon

Deacon (+ first name); The Reverend Mister (+ surname; in writing) Diakon (+ Nachname) (Anrede)

ordination to the priesthood; ordination to the ministry; ordination Weihe {f}; Ordination {f} [geh.] (zu einem kirchlichen Amt) [relig.]

episcopal ordination; ordination as a bishop Bischofsweihe {f}

deaconal ordination; ordination as a deacon Diakonweihe {f}; Weihe zum Diakon

ordination of women Frauenordination {f}; Frauenweihe {f}

priestly ordination; ordination as a priest Priesterweihe {f}

rabbinic ordination; ordination as a rabbi Weihe zum Rabbi; Ordination zum Rabbi