Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

time-honoured [Br.]; time-honored [Am.] althergebracht; altehrwürdig {adj}

The beer is brewed in the time-honoured/time-honored manner. Das Bier wird nach/in der guten alten Art gebraut.

They celebrate their marriage in the time-honoured/time-honored manner. Sie feiern ihre Hochzeit nach altem Brauch.

The items are manufactured entirely by hand in the time-honoured/time-honored manner. Die Artikel werden in traditioneller Weise zur Gänze in Handarbeit gefertigt.

Boniface went to Frisia in the time-honoured/time-honored manner of the Celtic missionaries. Bonifatius ging nach Friesland, wie das die keltischen Missionare immer getan hatten.