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174 results for "Political
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 English  German

political party; party politische Partei {f}; Partei {f} [pol.] [listen]

political parties; parties [listen] politische Parteien {pl}; Parteien {pl}

small party Kleinpartei {f}

minor parties kleinere Parteien

the ruling party; the governing party die regierende Partei

political [listen] politisch {adj} [listen]

a political imperative eine politische Notwendigkeit

political groups (in the EP) politische Gruppen (im Europaparlament)

political paper; paper [listen] politischer Leitfaden {m}; politische Vorlage {f}; Entwurf {m}; Papier {n} [pol.] [listen] [listen]

political papers; papers politische Leitfäden {pl}; politische Vorlagen {pl}; Entwürfe {pl}; Papiere {pl}

strategy paper; policy paper strategischer Leitfaden; Grundsatzpapier; Strategiepapier

cabinet paper Kabinettsvorlage {f}; Kabinettsentwurf {m}

position paper; point-of-view paper grundsätzliche Stellungnahme {f}; Denkschrift {f}; Positionspapier {n}

political convictions politische Gesinnung {f}; Gesinnung {f} [pol.]

political will to shape policies / society politischer Gestaltungswille {m} [pol.]

political action committee /PAC/ Lobbygruppe {f} in den USA

political adviser; policy consultant Politikberater {m}; Politikberaterin {f}

political advisers; policy consultants Politikberater {pl}; Politikberaterinnen {pl}

political issue; political event Politikum {n} [pol.]

to turn a matter into a political issue aus einer Sache ein Politikum machen

political cynicism Politikverdrossenheit {f} [pol.]

political science; politics [listen] Politikwissenschaft {f}; Politikwissenschaften {pl}; Politwissenschaften {pl}; Politologie {f}

political scientist; political theorist Politologe {m}; Politologin {f}; Politikwissenschaftler {m}; Politikwissenschaftlerin {f} [pol.] [sci.]

political scientists; political theorists Politologen {pl}; Politologinnen {pl}; Politikwissenschaftler {pl}; Politikwissenschaftlerinnen {pl}

political top brass; top politicians Politprominenz {f}

political offender; crime against the state Staatsverbrechen {n}

political offenders; crime against the states Staatsverbrechen {pl}

political system Staatswesen {n} [pol.]

political science Staatswissenschaft {f}

political economics Volkswirtschaftslehre {f} /VWL/; Nationalökonomie {f}

political power; power (prepositive); in terms of political power (postpositive) [listen] machtpolitisch {adj} [pol.]

political power interests; power interests machtpolitische Interessen

political science Staatslehre {f}

suffrage; right to vote in political elections [listen] aktives Wahlrecht {n}; Wahlrecht {n} [pol.]

women's suffrage Frauenwahlrecht {n}; Wahlrecht für Frauen

census suffrage Zensuswahlrecht {n}

election of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage Direktwahl des europäischen Parlaments

constituency surgery; political surgery; advice surgery; constituency clinic (held by a member of Parliament) [Br.] Bürgersprechstunde {f} (eines Parlamentsabgeordneten) [pol.]

constituency surgeries; political surgeries; advice surgeries; constituency clinics Bürgersprechstunden {pl}

to hold / have a constituency surgery / constituency clinic eine Bürgersprechstunde abhalten

group meeting; parliamentary group/party meeting; meeting of a political group Fraktionssitzung {f} [pol.]

group meetings; parliamentary group/party meetings; meetings of a political group Fraktionssitzungen {pl}

Labour group meeting Fraktionssitzung der Labour-Partei

the state's/states' political; the canton's/cantons' political (prepositive); of the federal states / Länder / cantons; in terms of regional policy (postpositive) landespolitisch [Dt.] [Ös.]; kantonspolitisch [Schw.] {adj} [pol.]

the states' political interests landespolitische Interessen

at federal and regional levels auf bundes- und landespolitischer Ebene

debate on topical political issues (in Parliament) Aktuelle Stunde {f} (im Parlament) [pol.]

balkanization; balkanisation [Br.]; political fragmentation Balkanisierung {f}; Aufsplitterung {f}; Zersplitterung {f} (von Vielvölkerstaaten in kleine Nationalstaaten) [pol.]

evaluation (of a draft bill by interest groups/political parties) [listen] Begutachtung {f} [Dt.] [Ös.]; Vernehmlassung {f} [Schw.] (einer Gesetzesvorlage durch Interessensgruppen und Parteien) [pol.]

offender motivated by moral or political convictions Gesinnungstäter {m}; Gesinnungstäterin {f}

offenders motivated by moral or political convictions Gesinnungstäter {pl}; Gesinnungstäterinnen {pl}

like-minded political companion Gesinnungsgenosse {m}; Gesinnungsgenossin {f}; (politischer) Weggefährte [pol.]

like-minded political companions Gesinnungsgenossen {pl}; Gesinnungsgenossinnen {pl}; Weggefährte

prying into other people's political convictions Gesinnungsschnüffelei {f}

enforced (political) conformity; gleichschaltung Gleichschaltung {f} [pol.]

discharged prisoners' aid (for political captives outside Germany) Häftlingshilfe {f}

conservatism (conservative political views) Konservativismus {m}; Konservatismus {m} [pol.]

to be a political animal mit Leib und Seele Politiker sein {v}

GDR border guard shooting political fugitives (at the Wall) Mauerschütze {m} [hist.]

regulatory policy; political procedures Ordnungspolitik {f}

(political) party landscape Parteienlandschaft {f} [pol.]

party ban; ban of a political party Parteiverbot {n} [pol.]

party bans; bans of political parties Parteiverbote {pl}

policy consultation; political consulting; policy advice Politikberatung {f}

employment ban for political (leftwing) extremists Radikalenerlass {m} [pol.]

kin liability; liability of a family for the (political) crimes or activities of a family member Sippenhaft {f}

party political broadcast; party election broadcast (on behalf of a party) Wahlwerbespot {m} [Dt.]; Belangsendung {f} [Ös.] (einer Partei)

party political broadcasts; party election broadcasts Wahlwerbespots {pl}; Belangsendungen {pl}

socio-political gesellschaftspolitisch {adj}

domestic political; internal; home ... [listen] innenpolitisch {adj} [pol.]

as far as domestic policy is concerned; as far as home affairs are concerned innenpolitisch gesehen

effete (of a political system, aristocracy etc.) kraftlos; ausgelaugt; verbraucht; morbid {adj} (politisches System, Adel usw.) [pol.] [soc.] [listen]

party-political parteipolitisch {adj} [pol.]

for party political purposes für parteipolitische Zwecke [pol.]

socio-political sozialpolitisch {adj} [pol.]

connected with the (political) system systemnah {adj} [pol.]

topical political tagespolitisch {adj} [pol.]

unpolitical; non-political; apolitical unpolitisch; apolitisch {adj} [pol.]

global political weltpolitisch {adj} [pol.]

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