Your donation

BEOLINGUS is a project of the Chemnitz University of Technology. We get many comments and emails asking for new functions and extensions, such as other languages, vocabulary trainer, and other pronunciations ...
Often a quickly implementation is useful for you. Therefore we want to use your donation to accelerate the development process. With a donation for Technische Universitδt Chemnitz you support the dictionary BEOLINGUS.
All earnings will support ongoing projects of BEOLINGUS (Public list of donors).
When the donation process is completed you'll be redirected to the project page of BEOLINGUS. There you can vote for your favourite project (List of projects).

Donate with Paypal or credit card:

Donate securely online with PayPal or credit card.
You can send donations in any of the currencies below without having to pay a currency conversion fee.


Chemnitz University of Technology is a nonprofit organisation and therefore qualified to collect donations.

Donate per transfer:

You may transfer one-time donors to our account.

Account holder : Hauptkasse des Freistaates Sachsen
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank
IBAN: DE22 8600 0000 0086 0015 22
Intended purpose : 7040 / 00116 - 1239060 BEOLINGUS

If you'd like to get a receipt for your donation above EUR 100, then send us your data per email to, please. When we get your payment we'll send you a receipt. The forwarder of the transfer must be identical with your data.