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dessen; deren; von denen {pron} [Relativpronomen im Genetiv] [listen] [listen] whose; of who; of whom [formal] (person); of which (thing) [listen]

Peter, dessen Internetkolumne ich regelmäßig lese Peter whose blog I regularly read

die Häuser, deren Türen braun gestrichen sind the houses whose doors are painted brown

150 Fahrgäste, von denen 80 ertranken 150 passengers, of who(m) 80 drowned

das dritte von drei aufeinanderfolgenden Büchern, von denen mir das erste sehr gut gefallen hat the third in a sequence of three books, the first of which I really enjoyed

Er hatte drei Geliebte, von denen keine von den anderen wusste. He had three lovers, none of whom knew about the others.

Die Forscher arbeiten mit monogamen Paaren, bei denen einer mit dem Virus infiziert ist. The researchers are working with monogamous couples, one of whom is infected with the virus.

Zum Begräbnis kamen etwa 30 Leute, von denen ich einige kannte, viele aber nicht. The funeral was attended by about 30 people, some of whom I knew, but many I did not.

Kraftwerk {n}; Elektrizitätswerk {n} [veraltet]; E-Werk {n} [veraltet]; Stromwerk {n} [veraltet]; Werk {n} (in Zusammensetzungen) [electr.] [listen] power plant; plant (in compounds); power station [Br.]; station [Br.] (in compounds); powerhouse [Am.] [dated] [listen] [listen] [listen]

Kraftwerke {pl}; Elektrizitätswerke {pl}; E-Werke {pl}; Stromwerke {pl}; Werke {pl} [listen] power plants; plants; power stations; stations; powerhouses [listen]

Brennstoffzellenkraftwerk {n} fuel cell power station; fuel cell power plant

Dampfkraftwerk {n} steam power station; steam power plant

geothermisches Kraftwerk geothermal power station; geothermal power plant

Großkraftwerk {n} superpower station

Grundlastkraftwerk {n}; Grundkraftwerk {n} base-load power plant; base-load power station [Br.]

Kondensationsdampfkraftwerk {n} condensing power plant

Heizkraftwerk {n} thermal power station; thermal power plant

Laufwasserkraftwerk {n}; Laufkraftwerk {n}; Flusskraftwerk {n} run-of-the-river power plant

Pumpspeicherkraftwerk {n}; Pumpspeicherwerk {n} pumped-storage power station; pumped storage station; pumped-storage power plant; pumped-storage plant

solarthermisches Kraftwerk solar thermal power station; solar thermal power plant

Speicherkraftwerk {n} storage power station; storage power plant

Speicherwasserkraftwerk {n}; Talsperrenkraftwerk {n}; Sperrenkraftwerk {n} barrage power plant; barrage power station

bauen; aufbauen {vt} [listen] [listen] to build {built; built}; to build up [listen]

bauend; aufbauend building; building up [listen]

gebaut; aufgebaut [listen] [listen] built; built up [listen]

er/sie baut he/she builds

ich/er/sie baute I/he/she built [listen]

er/sie hat/hatte gebaut he/she has/had built

Druck aufbauen to build up pressure

Kontakte aufbauen to build up contacrs

Muskulatur aufbauen to build up muscle

schäbig bauen; mit billigem Material bauen; pfuschen to jerry-build {jerry-built; jerry-built}

In dieser Gegend dürfen keine neuen Häuser gebaut werden. No new houses may be built in this area.

Lagerhaus {n}; Lagerhalle {f}; Lager {n}; Warenlager {n}; Warendepot {n}; Depot {n}; Magazin {n} [listen] [listen] storehouse; warehouse [listen]

Lagerhäuser {pl}; Lagerhallen {pl}; Lager {pl}; Warenlager {pl}; Warendepots {pl}; Depots {pl}; Magazine {pl} [listen] storehouses; warehouses

Behälterlager {n} container warehouse

Durchlauflager {n} gravity-storage warehouse

Freilager {n} free warehouse

Hochregallager {n} high-bay warehouse; high-bay storage facilities; high-bay storage; high-bay racking; high-rise racking; high-rack storage

Möbellager {n} furniture storehouse; furniture warehouse

Palettenlager {n} pallet warehouse

Zentrallager {n} central warehoue; main warehoue

automatisiertes Lager automated warehouse

ab Lager ex stock; ex warehouse

Empfangsbestätigung des Lagerhauses warehouse receipt (W/R)

eingassiges / zweigassiges Lager single-lane / double-lane, two-lane storage area

Polizeidienststelle {f} [adm.]; Sicherheitsdienststelle {f} [adm.]; Polizeiwache {f} [Dt.]; Wache {f} [Dt.]; Polizeirevier {n} [Dt.]; Revier {n} [Dt.]; Polizeiinspektion {f} [Dt.] [Ös.] [adm.]; Polizeiposten {m} [Dt.] [Schw.]; Posten {m} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Wachstube {f} [Dt.] [Ös.]; Wachzimmer {n} [Ös.]; Polizeistation {f} [listen] police station; Garda station [Ir.]; police precinct [Am.]; station house [Am.]

Polizeidienststellen {pl}; Sicherheitsdienststellen {pl}; Polizeiwachen {pl}; Wachen {pl}; Polizeireviere {pl}; Reviere {pl}; Polizeiinspektionen {pl}; Polizeiposten {pl}; Posten {pl}; Wachstuben {pl}; Wachzimmer {pl}; Polizeistationen {pl} [listen] police stations; Garda stations; police precincts; station houses

mobile Polizeiwache {f} mobile police station

auf dem Revier; auf der Wache; auf dem Posten at the police station; in the nick [Br.] [coll.]

illegales Geschäft {n}; illegale Sache {f} [ugs.]; Gaunerei {f}; Job [slang] illegal scheme; bit of sharp practice; racket [coll.] [listen]

Erpressungsgeschäfte {pl} extortion rackets

Schlepperaktivitäten {pl} immigration rackets

Ihr kriminelles Geschäftsmodell bestand darin, in Häuser einzubrechen, die zum Verkauf standen. Their racket was breaking into houses available for sale.

Neubau {m}; Neubaute {f} [Schw.] [constr.] new house; new building

Neubauten {pl} new houses; new buildings

Café {n}; Kaffeehaus {n} [Ös.] [cook.] coffee house; coffee shop; coffee bar; café

Cafés {pl}; Kaffeehäuser {pl} coffee houses; coffee shops; coffee bars; cafés

Katzencafé {n} cat café

Literatencafé {n}; Literatenkaffeehaus {n} literary café

Schankwirtschaft {f}; Kneipe {f} [Dt.]; Bar {f}; Pub {m} [cook.] [listen] bar; public house [Br.]; pub [Br.]; saloon [Am.] [hist.] [listen] [listen]

Schankwirtschaften {pl}; Kneipen {pl}; Bars {pl}; Pubs {pl} bars; public houses; pubs; saloons [listen]

Musikkneipe {f} [Dt.]; Musikbar {f} live music bar; music bar; live music pub [Br.]; music pub [Br.]

letzte Einkehrmöglichkeit {f} [hist.] last chance saloon [Am.]

Er blieb in einer Kneipe hängen. He wound up in a pub.

Verlagshaus {n}; Verlagsanstalt {f}; Verlag {m} /Verl./ publishing house; publishing company; publisher; press (often in proper names) [listen] [listen]

Verlagshäuser {pl}; Verlagsanstalten {pl}; Verlage {pl} publishing houses; publishing companies; publishers

Kunstbuchverlag {m} art book publisher

Programmverlag {m} specialized publisher

Schulbuchverlag {m} educational publisher

Selbstkostenverlag {m} vanity publishing firm; vanity publisher; vanity press

Zeitungsverlag {m}; Zeitungsverleger {m}; Zeitungsmacher {m}; Blattmacher {m} [ugs.] newspaper publisher

Gewächshaus {n}; Glashaus {n} [agr.] [listen] greenhouse; glasshouse [Br.]

Gewächshäuser {pl}; Glashäuser {pl} greenhouses; glasshouses

Kalthaus {n} cold greenhouse

temperiertes Haus warm greenhouse

Warmhaus {n}; Treibhaus {n} hot greenhouse; hothouse

Wer (selbst) im Glashaus sitzt, sollte nicht mit Steinen werfen. [Sprw.] Talk about (the) pot calling the kettle black! [prov.]

Justizvollzugsanstalt {f} /JVA/ [adm.]; Strafvollzugsanstalt {f}; Vollzugsanstalt {f}; Strafanstalt {f}; Haftanstalt {f}; Justizanstalt {f} [Ös.]; Gefangenenhaus {n} [Ös.]; Kotter {m} [Norddt.] [veraltet] penal institution; correctional institution [Am.]; prison; jail; penitentiary [Am.]; pen [Am.] [coll.]; big house [Am.] [coll.]; calaboose [Am.] [coll.] [listen] [listen] [listen] [listen]

Justizvollzugsanstalten {pl}; Strafvollzugsanstalten {pl}; Vollzugsanstalten {pl}; Strafanstalten {pl}; Haftanstalten {pl}; Justizanstalten {pl}; Gefangenenhäuser {pl}; Kotter {pl} penal institutions; correctional institutions; prisons; jails; penitentiaries; pens; big houses; calabooses

JVA für Frauen; Frauenstrafanstalt {f}; Frauengefängnis {n} female offenders institution [Br.]; women detention centre [Br.] / center [Am.]; women's prison

JVA für Jugendliche; Jugendstrafanstalt {f}; Jugendgefängnis {n} young offenders institution [Br.]; youth detention center [Am.]; juvenile detention centre [Austr.]; juvenile hall; juvenile prison

Zuchthaus {n} (Strafanstalt für Gefängnisstrafen mit Zwangsarbeit) [hist.] prison for penal labour [Br.]/labor [Am.] convicts; prison for penal servitude convicts [Br.]

zur Ausleihe; zur Miete; Leih...; Miet... rentable {adj}

Elektrotretroller zum Ausleihen rentable electric scooters

Häuser zur Miete rentable houses

Der PKW-Stellplatz kann im Winter angemietet werden. The allocated car park space is rentable in the winter.

etw. beflaggen {vt} to flag sth.; to provide / decorate / bedeck / deck sth. with a flag / with flags

beflaggend flagging; providing / decorating / bedecking / decking with a flag / with flags

beflaggt flagged; provided / decorated / bedecked / decked with a flag / with flags

die beflaggten Häuser the flag-bedecked houses; the flagged houses

Bordell {n}; Freudenhaus {n}; einschlägiges Etablissement {n}; Puff {m} [ugs.]; Puff {n} [Bayr.] [Ös.] [Schw.] [ugs.] brothel; bordello [Am.]; house of ill repute; whorehouse [coll.] [listen]

Bordelle {pl}; Freudenhäuser {pl}; einschlägige Etablissements {pl}; Puffs {pl} brothels; bordellos; houses of ill repute; whorehouses

Kurzzeitbordell {n} pop-up brothel

Fertigteilhaus {n}; Fertighaus {n} [constr.] prefabricated house; prefab house; prefabricated home

Fertigteilhäuser {pl}; Fertighäuser {pl} prefabricated houses; prefab houses; prefabricated homes

Fertighaus in Massivbauweise prefabricated solid-construction house

Landhaus {n} country home; country house

Landhäuser {pl} country homes; country houses

russisches Landhaus; Datscha {f} dacha

Medienanstalt {f}; Medienhaus {n} media company; media house

Medienanstalten {pl}; Medienhäuser {pl} media companies; media houses

Printmedienanstalt {f}; Printmedienhaus {n} print media company; print production company; print media house

Raststätte {f}; Rasthaus {n} [Dt.] [Ös.]; Rasthof {m} [Dt.]; Raststation {f} [Ös.] [auto] [cook.] roadside restaurant; diner [Am.]; pull-in [Br.] [dated]; roadhouse [Am.] [dated] [listen]

Raststätten {pl}; Rasthäuser {pl}; Rasthöfe {pl}; Raststationen {pl} roadside restaurants; diners; pull-ins; roadhouses

Autobahnraststätte {f}; Autobahnrasthaus {n} [Dt.] [Ös.]; Autobahnrasthof {m} [Dt.]; Autobahnraststation {f} [Ös.]; Autobahnstation {f} [Ös.] motorway restaurant [Br.]; freeway restaurant [Am.]

Wiener {adj} [geogr.] [pol.] [soc.] Vienna; Viennese; of Vienna

die Wiener Philharmoniker the Vienna Philharmonic

die traditionellen Wiener Kaffeehäuser the traditional Viennese coffee houses

Wohngebäude {n} [constr.] [adm.] dwelling house; residential building

Wohngebäude {pl} dwelling houses; residential buildings

Nichtwohngebäude {n} non-residential building

Abbruchhaus {n} condemned house

Abbruchhäuser {pl} condemned houses

Akzeptbank {f}; Wechselbank {f} [fin.] acceptance bank; acceptance/accepting [Br.] house; acceptance corporation [listen]

Akzeptbanken {pl}; Wechselbanken {pl} acceptance banks; acceptance/accepting houses; acceptance corporations

Arbeitshaus {n} [hist.] workhouse; spike [Br.] [coll.] [listen]

Arbeitshäuser {pl} workhouses; spikes

Ausbauhaus {n} [constr.] bare-bones house; starter house

Ausbauhäuser {pl} bare-bones houses; starter houses

Doppelhaus {n} pair of semi-detached houses; pair of semis [coll.]; duplex [Am.]

Doppelhäuser {pl} pairs of semi-detached houses; pairs of semis

Doppelhaushälfte {f} [arch.] semi-detached house; semi [coll.]; half of a duplex [Am.]; duplex-half [Am.] [listen]

Doppelhaushälften {pl} semi-detached houses; semis; halves of a duplex; duplex-halves

Familiengericht {n} [jur.] domestic relations court; family courthouse [Am.]

Familiengerichte {pl} domestic relations courts; family courthouses

Gerichtsgebäude {n} court house; court-house; courthouse

Gerichtsgebäude {pl} court houses; court-houses; courthouses

Großhandelsfirma {f}; Großhandelsunternehmen {n} [econ.] wholesale house; wholesale firm

Großhandelsfirmen {pl}; Großhandelsunternehmen {pl} wholesale houses; wholesale firms

Handelshaus {n} [econ.] business house; trading house

Handelshäuser {pl} business houses; trading houses

Hühnerstall {m} [agr.] hen house; hen coop; chicken coop

Hühnerställe {pl} hen houses; hen coops; chicken coops

Insekten-Nisthilfe {f}; Insektenhaus {n}; Insektenkasten {m}; Insektenhotel {n}; Insektenquartier {n}; Nützlingshotel {n} [zool.] insect nesting box; insect house; insect hotel; insect condo [coll.]; bug home [coll.]

Insekten-Nisthilfen {pl}; Insektenhäuser {pl}; Insektenkästen {pl}; Insektenhotels {pl}; Insektenquartiere {pl}; Nützlingshotels {pl} insect nesting boxes; insect houses; insect hotels; insect condos; bug homes

Konsignationslager {n} consignment store; consignment warehouse

Konsignationslager {pl} consignment stores; consignment warehouses

Kuhstall {m} [agr.] cowshed; cowhouse; cow barn [Am.]; byre [Br.] [dated]

Kuhställe {pl} cowsheds; cowhouses; cow barns; byres

Markthalle {f}; Großmarkthalle {f} covered market; market hall; market house

Markthallen {pl}; Großmarkthallen {pl} covered markets; market halls; market houses

Möbelhaus {n}; Einrichtungshaus {n} [econ.] (large) furniture store; home-centre; furnishing house

Möbelhäuser {pl}; Einrichtungshäuser {pl} furniture stores; home-centres; furnishing houses

Niedrigenergiehaus {n} [constr.] low-energy house; low energy consumption house

Niedrigenergiehäuser {pl} low-energy houses; low energy consumption houses

Passivhaus {n} [constr.] passive house

Passivhäuser {pl} passive houses

Sandsteinhaus {n} [constr.] brownstone house

Sandsteinhäuser {pl} brownstone houses

Sommerhaus {n}; Sommerhäuschen {n} summer holiday house; summer cottage

Sommerhäuser {pl}; Sommerhäuschen {pl} summer holiday houses; summer cottages

Sozialwohnung {f} council flat; council house [Br.]; municipal housing unit [Am.]; subsidized apartment [Am.]

Sozialwohnungen {pl} council flats; council houses; municipal housing units; subsidized apartments

Teilzahlungsbank {f}; Teilzahlungsinstitut {n}; Kundenkreditgesellschaft {f} [fin.] finance house [Br.]; hire-purchase company [Br.]; sales finance company [Am.]; consumer finance company [Am.]; acceptance corporation [Am.]

Teilzahlungsbanken {pl}; Teilzahlungsinstitute {pl}; Kundenkreditgesellschaften {pl} finance houses; hire-purchase companies; sales finance companies; consumer finance company; acceptance corporations

Bankhaus {n} [fin.] [econ.] banking house

Bankhäuser {pl} banking houses

Modehaus {n} fashion house; fashion boutique; couture house

Modehäuser {pl} fashion houses; fashion boutiques; couture houses

Apartmenthaus {n} [constr.] apartment house [Am.]; apartment building

Apartmenthäuser {pl} apartment houses; apartment buildings

Konzerthaus {n} concert hall; concert house

Konzerthäuser {pl} concert halls; concert houses

Ökohaus {n} [constr.] [envir.] eco house

Ökohäuser {pl} eco houses

jdn./etw. (an einem Ort) unterbringen; beherbergen {vt} [listen] to house sb./sth. (in a place) [listen]

unterbringend; beherbergend housing [listen]

untergebracht; beherbergt housed

die Konsole, in der die Batterien untergebracht sind the console which houses the batteries

Die Soldaten wurden in schlecht geheizten Hütten untergebracht. The soldiers were housed in poorly heated huts.

Die Flüchtlinge sind in provisorischen Unterkünften untergebracht. The refugees are being housed in temporary accommodation.

Die Schule ist im Tom Reilly-Gebäude untergebracht. The school is housed in the Tom Reilly Building.

Die Gemälde sind jetzt im Nationalmuseum untergebracht. The paintings are now housed in the National Gallery.

Das Schloss beherbergt eine imposante Sammlung von Rüstungen. The castle houses an impressive collection of armour.

In diesem Gebäude ist auch ein Kindergarten untergebracht. The building also houses a kindergarten.

Es werden mehr Gefängnisse benötigt, um die wachsenden Zahl an Insassen unterzubringen. More prisons are needed to house the growing number of inmates.

übernächst {adj} (the one) after next / after that / next to that; the next ... but one [Br.]

im übernächsten Jahr; übernächstes Jahr the year after next

übernächste Woche the week after next

am übernächsten Tag two days later; the next day but one [Br.]

am übernächsten Sonntag a week on Sunday; (on) Sunday week

Sie wohnen im übernächsten Haus. They live in the second house down.; They live in the next house but one. [Br.]; They live two doors/houses down/away. [Am.]

Sie müssen bei der übernächsten/zweiten Haltestelle aussteigen. You must get off at the second stop (after this). / You must get off at the stop after next.; You must get off two stops away. [Am.]

Bei der übernächsten/zweiten Ampel biegen sie links in die Bernstein-Straße ein. At the second traffic [Br.]/stop [Am.] light(s) turn left on to Bernstein Street.

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