Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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Rahmen {m}; Grenzen {pl} [übtr.] [listen] pale [fig.] (limits)

innerhalb des kirchlichen Rahmens within the pale of the Church

innerhalb der verfassungsmäßigen Grenzen within the pale / limits of the constitution

außerhalb der Grenzen des Islam outside the pale of Islam

Staket {n}; Stakete {f} pale; paling

Latte {f} (eines Lattenzauns) pale (of a picket fence)

Latten {pl} pales

Pale of Settlement {m} [hist.] Pale of Settlement

Pfahl {m} (Wappenkunde) pale (heraldry)

Großer Singhabicht {m} [ornith.] pale chanting-goshawk

Malaitataube {f} [ornith.] pale mountain pigeon

Wüstenschwalbe {f} [ornith.] pale crag martin

Blaßraupenfänger {m} [ornith.] pale cicadabird

Angolabülbül {m} [ornith.] pale olive greenbul

Fahldrossel {f} [ornith.] pale thrush

Somaliprinie {f} [ornith.] pale prinia

Fahlschnäpper {m} [ornith.] pale flycatcher

Blaubrustschnäpper {m} [ornith.] pale niltava

Fahlgesichtschnäpper {m} [ornith.] pale yellow robin

Fahlsperling {m} [ornith.] pale rock sparrow

Pflock {m}; Pfahl {m} picket; pale

Pflöcke {pl}; Pfähle {pl} pickets; pales

Schreibtischtäter {m} [iron.] woolly academic; pale theoretician

Vorspelze {f} (Palea superior / Glumella) (bei Süßgräsern) [bot.] inner glume; glumella; palet; pale; palea (of true grasses)

Brauentinamu {m} [ornith.] pale-browed tinamou

Blaßfuß-Sturmtaucher {m} [ornith.] pale-footed shearewater

Wacholderfrankolin {m} [ornith.] pale-bellied francolin

Kupfertaube {f} [ornith.] pale-capped pigeon

Blaßkopfrosella {m} [ornith.] pale-headed rosella

Blaßbürzelsegler {m} [ornith.] pale-rumped swift

Fahlbaucheremit {m} [ornith.] pale-bellied hermit

Hellschwanzeremit {m} [ornith.] pale-tailed barbthroat

Blaßschnabeltoko {m} [ornith.] pale-billed hornbill

Fahlnacken-Glanzvogel {m} [ornith.] pale-headed jacamar

Königsspecht {m} [ornith.] pale-billed woodpecker

Blaßschopfspecht {m} [ornith.] pale-crested woodpecker

Fahlbrauen-Blattspäher {m} [ornith.] pale-browed treehunter

Blaßfußtöpfer {m} [ornith.] pale-legged hornero

Blaßschnabeltöpfer {m} [ornith.] pale-billed hornero

Temminckschlüpfer {m} [ornith.] pale-breasted spinetail

Samtbrauen-Ameisenvogel {m} [ornith.] pale-faced bare-eye

Schwarzstirntapaculo {m} [ornith.] pale-throated tapaculo

Isabellwangentyrann {m} [ornith.] pale-eyed pygmy tyrant

Braunkopftachuri {m} [ornith.] pale-tipped tyrannulet

Taczanowskityrann {m} [ornith.] pale-edged flycatcher

Blaßkehltyrann {m} [ornith.] pale-throated flycatcher

Weißbauchpipra {m} [ornith.] pale-bellied tyrant-manakin

Blaßfußschwalbe {f} [ornith.] pale-footed swallow

Taczanowskidrossel {f} [ornith.] pale-eyed thrush

Fahlbrustdrossel {f} [ornith.] pale-breasted thrush

Blaßsteißdrossel {f} [ornith.] pale-vented thrush

Grauwangen-Buschdrossling {m} [ornith.] pale-breasted thrush babbler

Weißfuß-Buschsänger {m} [ornith.] pale-footed bush warbler

Portenkolaubsänger {m} [ornith.] Japanese pale-legged willow warbler

Ussurilaubsänger {m} [ornith.] pale-legged willow warbler

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