Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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dick {adj} (Person) [listen] fat (person) [listen]

dick werden to become fat; to grow fat

dick machen to be fattening

Macht mich dieses Kleid dick? Does this dress make me look fat?

Ich bin momentan so dick! I'm so fat at the moment!

einen dicken Bauch haben to be in the pudding club [fig.]

fett; dick {adj} [listen] fat [listen]

fetter fatter

am fettesten fattest

fettlöslich; in Fett löslich {adj} [biochem.] [cook.] [pharm.] fat-soluble; soluble in fat; liposoluble

fettlösliches Vitamin fat-soluble vitamin

ölig {adj} (Weingeschmack) [cook.] fat and rich; rich and concentrated (wine taste)

mager; fettarm; fettreduziert {adj} [cook.] [listen] lean; low-fat; reduced-fat; low in fat (postpositive) [listen]

mageres Fleisch lean meat

fettarm essen to eat low-fat food

durchwachsen {adj} (Schinken) with fat running through

fetthaltig; fetthältig [Ös.]; fettig {adj} [chem.] [cook.] fat-containing; fatty

halbfett {adj} [cook.] medium-fat