Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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Beton {m} [constr.] [listen] concrete [listen]

Baustellenbeton {m} site-mixed concrete

Ortbeton {m} in-situ concrete; cast-in-situ concrete; job-mixed concrete; poured-in-place concrete; cast-in-place concrete [Am.]

Prägebeton {m}; Stempelbeton {m} stamped concrete

Puzzolanbeton {m}; Trassbeton {m} pozzolanic concrete; trass concrete

Schwerbeton {m} high-density concrete; heavy-aggregate concrete; heavy-weight concrete; heavy concrete

Stampfbeton {m} compressed concrete; tamped concrete

Strahlenschutzbeton {m} loaded concrete

Tresorbeton {m} strongroom concrete; safe concrete

Vorsatzbeton {m} face concrete; facing concrete; decorative concrete

Waschbeton {m} exposed aggregate concrete

armierter Beton reinforced concrete

bewehrter Beton statically reinforced concrete

erdfeuchter Beton dry-mix concrete; dry-shake concrete [Am.]; dry-packed concrete [Am.]; dry-tamp concrete [Am.]

unbewehrter Beton unreinforced concrete

wasserundurchlässiger Beton; WU-Beton waterproof concrete

Beton angreifend aggressive to concrete

Betonstaumauer {f}; Staumauer {f}; Talsperrenmauer {f}; Betonsperrmauer {f}; Sperrmauer {f}; Betonsperre {f} (Wasserbau) concrete dam; dam (water engineering) [listen]

Betonstaumauern {pl}; Staumauern {pl}; Talsperrenmauern {pl}; Betonsperrmauern {pl}; Sperrmauern {pl}; Betonsperren {pl} concrete dams; dams

Bogengewichtsmauer {f}; Bogengewichtsstaumauer {f} arch-gravity dam

gekrümmte Staumauer; Bogenstaumauer; Bogenmauer; Einzelgewölbestaumauer; Gewölbestaumauer arched dam; arch dam

Pfeilerplattenstaumauer; Plattenstaumauer; Plattenmauer flat slab deck dam; flat slab dam

Staumauer/Sperrmauer mit frei aufliegender Platte free deck dam

Betonplatte {f} [constr.] concrete slab; structural slab

Betonplatten {pl} concrete slabs; structural slabs

Stahlbetonplatte {f} reinforced concrete slab

Betonrippenstahl {m}; Betonstabstahl {m}; Betonstahl {m}; Bewehrungsstahl {m}; Armierungsstahl {m}; Monierstahl {m} [constr.] concrete ribbed steel; (concrete) reinforcing steel; (concrete) reinforcement steel; rebar steel; rebar

kaltverwundener Bewehrungsstahl; Rippentorstahl {m} cold-twisted reinforcing steel; cold-twisted ribbed rebar

Rippenstahl {m} ribbed concrete steel

Betonwüste {f} concrete desert; concrete jungle

Betonwüsten {pl} concrete deserts; concrete jungles

Wir müssen kämpfen, sonst verwandeln die Immobilienfirmen alle unbebauten Flächen in eine Betonwüste. We have to fight, otherwise developers will turn all open space into a concrete jungle.

Betonbau {m} concrete construction

Betonbau {m} concrete building

Betonbauten {pl} concrete buildings

Betonbauer {m} [constr.] concrete worker

Betonbauer {pl} concrete workers

Betonbauplatte {f}; Bauplatte {f} [constr.] concrete building slab; building slab

Betonbauplatten {pl}; Bauplatten {pl} concrete building slabs; building slabs

Betonblock {m}; Betonklotz {m}; Betonquader {m} [constr.] concrete block

Betonblöcke {pl}; Betonklötze {pl}; Betonquader {pl} concrete blocks

Betonbrecher {m}; Aufreißhammer {m}; Abbruchhammer {m} [constr.] concrete breaker

Betonbrecher {pl}; Aufreißhämmer {pl}; Abbruchhämmer {pl} concrete breakers

Betonbügel {m} [constr.] concrete bolt

Betonbügel {pl} concrete bolts

Betondach {n} [constr.] concrete roof

Betondächer {pl} concrete roofs

Betondachstein {m} [constr.] concrete roofing tile

Betondachsteine {pl} concrete roofing tiles

Betondübel {m} [constr.] concrete dowel

Betondübel {pl} concrete dowels

Betonfundament {n} [constr.] concrete foundation

Betonfundamente {pl} concrete foundations

Betonglättmaschine {f}; Betonglätter {m}; Estrichglätter {m} [constr.] concrete power float; power float; power trowel

Betonglättmaschinen {pl}; Betonglätter {pl}; Estrichglätter {pl} concrete power floats; power floats; power trowels

Betonglättpatsche {f}; Betonglätter {m}; Betonpatsche {f}; Betonabzieher {m} [constr.] concrete bull float; bull float

Betonglättpatschen {pl}; Betonglätter {pl}; Betonpatschen {pl}; Betonabzieher {pl} concrete bull floats; bull floats

Betonkegel {m} [constr.] concrete cone

Betonkegel {pl} concrete cones

Betonleitwand {f}; Betonschutzwand {f} [auto] concrete step barrier; concrete motorway [Br.]/highway [Am.] barrier; concrete median

Betonleitwände {pl}; Betonschutzwände {pl} concrete step barriers; concrete motorway/highway barriers; concrete medians

Betonmischanlage {f} [constr.] concrete mixing plant

Betonmischanlagen {pl} concrete mixing plants

Betonmischmaschine {f}; Mischmaschine {f}; Betonmischer {m} [constr.] concrete mixer; cement mixer; mixer [listen]

Betonmischmaschinen {pl}; Mischmaschinen {pl}; Betonmischer {pl} concrete mixers; cement mixers; mixers

Betonmischfahrzeug {n}; Betonmischer {m}; Betonmisch-Lkw {m}; Betontransporter {m} [auto] concrete mixer truck; truck mixer

Betonmischfahrzeuge {pl}; Betonmischer {pl}; Betonmisch-Lkws {pl}; Betontransporter {pl} concrete mixer trucks; truck mixers

Betonfahrzeug {n} concrete transport truck; cement truck

Betonfahrzeuge {pl} concrete transport trucks; cement trucks

Betonmischung {f} [constr.] concrete mix

Betonmischung mit niedrigem w/z-Wert low-w/c mix [listen]

Betonpfahl {m} [constr.] concrete pile

Betonpfähle {pl} concrete piles

Betonrohr {n} [constr.] concrete pipe

Betonrohre {pl} concrete pipes

Betonsäule {f} [constr.] concrete column

Betonsäulen {pl} concrete columns

Betonsockel {f} [constr.] concrete base

Betonsockel {pl} concrete bases

Betonstampfer {m} [constr.] concrete tamper

Betonstampfer {pl} concrete tampers

Betonstraße {f} concrete road

Betonstraßen {pl} concrete roads

Betonstuhl {m} (für Betonplatten) [constr.] concrete edge bedding [Br.]; concrete edge footing [Am.]; concrete trough [Am.] (for concrete slabs)

Betonstühle {pl} concrete edge beddings; concrete edge footings; concrete troughs

Betonsturz {m} [constr.] concrete lintel

Betonstürze {pl} concrete lintels

Betonturm {m} concrete tower

Betontürme {pl} concrete towers

Betonverflüssiger {m} /BV/ [constr.] concrete plasticizer; wetting agent [Br.]

Betonverflüssiger {pl} concrete plasticizers; wetting agents

Betonwand {f} [constr.] concrete wall

Betonwände {pl} concrete walls

Betonzusatz {m} [constr.] concrete additive

Betonzusätze {pl} concrete additives

Estrichleger {m} [constr.] concrete flooring specialist

Estrichleger {pl} concrete flooring specialists

Schalungsstein {m}; Schalstein {m} [constr.] concrete masonry unit /CMU/; concrete block [Am.] [Can.] [NZ]; besser block [Austr.]; besser brick [Austr.]; construction block [NZ]

Schalungssteine {pl}; Schalsteine {pl} concrete masonry units; concrete blocks; besser blocks; construction blocks

Wohnsilo {n} [pej.] concrete block [pej.]

Wohnsilos {pl} concrete blocks

Betonbauteil {n}; Betonelement {n}; Betonteil {n} [constr.] concrete component

Betonbauteile {pl}; Betonelemente {pl}; Betonteile {pl} concrete components

Betonbeschichtung {f} concrete coating

Betonbeschichtungen {pl} concrete coatings

Betonbohrer {m} concrete drill bit

Betonbohrer {pl} concrete drill bits

Betonbohrmaschine {f} concrete drill

Betonbohrmaschinen {pl} concrete drills

Betondachsteinanlage {f} concrete roof tile plant

Betondachsteinanlagen {pl} concrete roof tile plants

Betondeckenfertiger; Betonfertiger {m} concrete finishing machine

Betondeckenfertiger; Betonfertiger {pl} concrete finishing machines

Betongleitschalungsfertiger {m} concrete slipform paver; concrete slip form paver

Betongleitschalungsfertiger {pl} concrete slipform pavers; concrete slip form pavers

Betonmast {m} concrete pylon; concrete pole

Betonmasten {pl} concrete pylons; concrete poles

Betonmischanlage {f} concrete plant; batch plant

Betonmischanlagen {pl} concrete plants; batch plants

Betonpumpe {f} concrete pump

Betonpumpen {pl} concrete pumps

Betonpumpendienst {m} concrete pumping service

Betonpumpendienste {pl} concrete pumping services

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