Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

hand jam (climbing technique) (climbing) Handklemmer {m} (Klettertechnik) (Klettern) [sport]

rough method; coercive method; strong-arm technique Hauruck-Methode {f}

rough methods; coercive methods; strong-arm techniques Hauruck-Methoden {pl}

slide guitar; steel guitar; bottleneck guitar (playing technique) Hawaiigitarre {f}; Glissandogitarre {f} (Spieltechnik) [mus.]

impasto (painting technique) Impasto (Maltechnik) [art]

vaccination technique Impftechnik {f}; Impfverfahren {n} [med.]

colour pooling technique [Br.]; colour pooling [Br.]; color pooling technique [Am.]; color pooling [Am.] Ineinanderlaufenlassen {n} von Farben [art]

dry-point; dry point (technique and picture) Kaltnadelradierung {f}; Radierung {f} (Technik und Bild) [art]

nuclear-emulsion technique, photographic-emulsion technique Kernspuremulsionstechnik {f} [phys.]

climbing technique (climbing) Klettertechnik {f} (Klettern) [sport]

compositional technique Kompositionstechnik {f} [mus.]

packaging technique; packaging [listen] Konfektionierung {f}; Unterbringung {f} auf engem Raum/in festen Baugruppen [electr.]

Kristeller manoeuvre; Kristeller technique (at birth) Kristeller-Handgriff {m}; Kristeller-Technik {f} (bei der Geburt) [med.]

culture method; culture technique (laboratory examination) Kulturverfahren {n} (Laboruntersuchung) [biol.] [med.]

culture methods; culture techniques Kulturverfahren {pl}

scumbling technique; scumbling Lasurtechnik {f}; Verwischtechnik {f} [art]

wash (painting technique) [listen] Lavieren {n}; Lavierung {f}; Lavur {f} (Maltechnik) [art]

avalanche control technique; avalanche control Lawinenverbauung {f} (Vorgang)

manipulative technique Manipulationstechnik {f}

media technology; media technique Medientechnik {f}

measuring technique Messtechnik {f}; Messverfahren {n}

non-contact measuring technique; contact-free measuring technique berührungslose Messtechnik

modular system; module technique Modulsystem {n}; Modultechnik {f}

suture technique; suturing technique Nahttechnik {f} [med.]

network diagramming technique method (project planning using an activity network diagram) Netzplanmethode {f}; Netzplantechnik {f} (Projektplanung)

network planning technique Netzplantechnik {f}

surgical technique Operationstechnik {f} [med.]

surgical techniques Operationstechniken {pl}

pastel painting; painting with pastels (painting technique) Pastellmalerei {f} (Maltechnik) [art]

planar epitaxial' technique; PEP technique Planar-Epitaxial-Technik {f}; PEP-Technik {f} [electr.]

programming technique Programmiertechnik {f}; Programmierungstechnik {f} [comp.]

seismic reflection method; seismic reflection technique Reflexionsseismik {f} [geogr.] [phys.]

risk mitigation technique Risikominderungstechnik {f} fin

rotoscoping (animation technique) (film) Rotoskopie {f} (Animationstechnik) (Film)

backscattering technique Rückstreuverfahren {n}

stencil technique; stencilling technique Schabloniertechnik {f}

circuit technique; circuitry Schaltungstechnik {f}; Schaltkreistechnik [electr.]

analogue circuit technique; analogue circuitry Analogschaltungstechnik {f}

baton technique (of a conductor/choirmaster) Schlagtechnik {f} (eines Dirigenten/Chorleiters) [mus.]

ravine search technique Schluchtensuchverfahren {n} [techn.]

rapid section method; rapid section technique; frozen section method; frozen section technique (histology) Schnellschnittmethode {f}; Schnellschnitttechnik {f}; Gefrierschnittmethode {f}; Gefrierschnitttechnik {f} (Histologie) [med.]

storage technique Speichertechnik {f} [comp.]

stemming; bridging (climbing technique) (climbing) Spreizen {n} (Klettertechnik) (Klettern) [sport]

air brush technique Spritztechnik {f}

pisé building; pisé construction (technique and structure) Stampfbau {m}; Pisébau {m} (Technik und Bauwerk) [constr.]

rammed earth building; rammed earth construction (technique and structure) Stampflehmbau {m}; Lehmstampfbau {m} (Technik und Bauwerk) [constr.]

pressing technique; pressing [listen] Stanztechnik {f} [techn.]

knapping technique Steinbearbeitungstechnik {f} [hist.]

bowing technique (on stringed instruments) Strichart {f} (bei Streichinstrumenten) [mus.]

vocal fry (vocal technique) Strohbass {m} (Gesangstechnik) [mus.]

cob building; cob construction (technique and structure); cobwork (structure) Strohlehmbau {m}; Wellerlehmbau {m}; Wellerbau {m} (Technik und Bauwerk) [constr.]

tauromachy [formal] (art or technique of bullfighting) Tauromachie {f} [geh.] (Kunst/Technik des Stierkampfes)

tempera technique (painting) Temperatechnik {f} (Malerei) [art]

open cut technique; cut-and-cover tunnelling [Br.]; cut-and-cover excavation [Am.]; cut-and-cover offene Tunnelbauweise {f}; Deckelbauweise {f}; Tunnelvortrieb {m} in offener Baugrube [constr.]

Milan cut-and-cover method Mailänder Deckelbauweise

smearing (climbing technique) (climbing) Treten / Steigen / Halten {n} auf Reibung (Klettertechnik) (Klettern) [sport]

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