Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsVerbs

 English  German

analytical report; analysis report Analysebericht {m}

analytical reports; analysis reports Analyseberichte {pl}

right to report offences Anzeigerecht {n}

work report; employment report Arbeitsbericht {m}

work reports; employment reports Arbeitsberichte {pl}

priority work report Arbeitsprioritätenbericht {m}

daily job time report Arbeitszeitkarte {f}

daily job time reports Arbeitszeitkarten {pl}

Wealth and Poverty Report Armutsbericht {m} [pol.]

article report Artikelübersicht {f}

doctor's report Arztbericht {m}

doctor's reports Arztberichte {pl}

call report (of computer programs) Aufrufverhältnis {n} (von Computerprogrammen) [comp.]

call reports Aufrufverhältnisse {pl}

eyewitness report Augenzeugenbericht {m}

eyewitness reports Augenzeugenberichte {pl}

confirmation of execution; fill report Ausführungsbestätigung {f}

evaluation report Auswertebericht {m} [techn.]

evaluation reports Auswerteberichte {pl}

information from a bank; credit report from a bank Bankauskunft {f}

low AP pelvis (x-ray report) tief eingestelltes Becken (Röntgenbefund) [med.]

year under report; year under review Berichtsjahr {n}

years under report; years under review Berichtsjahre {pl}

month under report Berichtsmonat {m}

months under report Berichtsmonate {pl}

meeting report Besprechungsbericht {m}

meeting reports Besprechungsberichte {pl}

visit report Besuchsbericht {m}

visit reports Besuchsberichten {pl}

confidential report Beurteilung {f} in Personalakten

stock exchange report; market report (in newspapers) Börsenbericht {m}; Börsebericht {m} [Ös.] [fin.]

stock exchange reports; market reports Börsenberichte {pl}; Börseberichte {pl}

destruction of T11 consistent with osteoclastic activity in multiple myelmoma (CT report) Destruktion {f} von BWK11 im Sinne eines osteoclastischen Plasmozytombefalls (CT-Befund) [med.]

mixing artefact; mixing artifact (CT report) Durchmischungsartefakt {m}; Durchmischungsphänomen {n} (CT-Befund) [med.]

fittness report Eignungsbeurteilung {f}

No distinct areas of aspiration or induration. (autopsy report) Keine eindeutigen Einatmungs- und Verdichtungsbezirke. (Obduktionsbericht) [med.]

receiving report Eingangsmeldung {f} [econ.]

receiving reports Eingangsmeldungen {pl}

anecdotal report Einzelbericht {m}

anecdotal reports Einzelberichte {pl}

unloading report; discharging report Entladebericht {m} [transp.]

unloading reports; discharging reports Entladeberichte {pl}

experiential report; report on experience; report on one's experience Erfahrungsbericht {m}

experiential reports; reports on experience; reports on one's experience Erfahrungsberichte {pl}

journey report (railway) Fahrbericht {m}; Fahrtbericht {m} (Bahn)

journey reports Fahrberichte {pl}; Fahrtberichte {pl}

rolling stock report (railway) Fahrzeugbestandsverzeichnis {n} (Bahn)

case report Fallbericht {m} [sci.] [jur.]

case reports Fallberichte {pl}

failure report; failure indication; failure information; fault report; fault information; trouble report; defect report; defect information; malfunction report; malfunction information (teleautomatics) Fehleranzeige {f}; Fehlermeldung {f}; Störungsmeldung {f} (Fernwirktechnik) [techn.]

failure reports; failure indications; failure informations; fault reports; fault informations; trouble reports; defect reports; defect informations; malfunction reports; malfunction informations Fehleranzeigen {pl}; Fehlermeldungen {pl}; Störungsmeldungen {pl}

error report; bug report Fehlerbericht {m} [comp.]

error reports; bug reports Fehlerberichte {pl}

error report Fehlerreport {m}

error reports Fehlerreports {pl}

error report mask Fehlerreportmaske {f}

error report masks Fehlerreportmasken {pl}

financial report Finanzbericht {m}; Geschäftsbericht {m}

financial reports Finanzberichte {pl}; Geschäftsberichte {pl}

aircraft accident report Flugunfallbericht {m} [aviat.]

aircraft accident reports Flugunfallberichte {pl}

research report Forschungsbericht {m}

research reports Forschungsberichte {pl}

progress report Fortschrittsbericht {m}; Bericht {m} über den Fortschritt der Arbeit(en) [adm.]

progress reports Fortschrittsberichte {pl}

intel report [Am.] Geheimdienstbericht {m}

intel reports Geheimdienstberichte {pl}

semi-annual report Halbjahresbericht {m}

semi-annual reports Halbjahresberichte {pl}

no raised jugular venous pressure; no raised JVP (medical report) keine Halsvenenstauung {f}; keine HVSt (Befund) [med.]

annual report Jahresbericht {m} [adm.]

annual reports Jahresberichte {pl}

annual expert report Jahresgutachten {n}

annual expert reports Jahresgutachten {pl}

cash report Kassenbericht {m}; Kassabericht {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] [econ.] [adm.]

cash reports Kassenberichte {pl}; Kassaberichte {pl}

spring binder; side-lock report cover Klemmmappe {f}

spring binders; side-lock report covers Klemmmappen {pl}

contrast reflux (CT report) Kontrastmittelrückstau {m} (CT-Befund) [med.]

credit report Kreditauskunft {f} [fin.]

credit reports Kreditauskünfte {pl}

(stock) market report Kursbericht {m}

market reports Kursberichte {pl}

abridged report Kurzbericht {m}

abridged reports Kurzberichte {pl}

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