Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsVerbs

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loan-to-value ratio; loan percentage Beleihungsrate {f}; Beleihungsquote {f}; Belehnungsrate {f} [Ös.] [Schw.]; Belehnungsquote {f} [Ös.] [Schw.] [fin.]

value of collateral for an advance/loan Beleihungswert {m}; Belehnungswert {m} [Ös.] [Schw.] [fin.]

commitment ceiling (loan) Bereitstellungsplafond {m} (Kredit) [fin.]

blank credit/loan; credit/loan in blank; open credit/loan; blank advance; unsecured credit [listen] [listen] Blankokredit {m}; Blankodarlehen {n} [fin.]

blank credits/loans; credits/loans in blank; open credits/loans; blank advances; unsecured credits [listen] [listen] Blankokredite {pl}

to accelerate the maturity of a loan etc. ein Darlehen usw. (vorzeitig) fällig stellen {vt} [fin.]

terms of a loan Darlehensbedingungen {pl}

contract of loan; loan agreement Darlehensvertrag {m} [fin.]

accounts receivable loan Debitorenkredit {m}

aid loan Entwicklungshilfekredit {m}

aid loans Entwicklungshilfekredite {pl}

interlibrary loan request Fernleihbestellung {f}

interlibrary loan; interlending [Br.] (lending system) Fernleihe {f} (Entleihsystem)

to request a book through interlibrary loan/interlending [Br.] ein Buch über Fernleihe bestellen

support loan; support credit Förderungsdarlehen {n}; Förderdarlehen {n}; Förderungskredit {m}; Förderkredit {m} [fin.]

support loans; support credits Förderungsdarlehen {pl}; Förderdarlehen {pl}; Förderungskredite {pl}; Förderkredite {pl}

outside capital; borrowed capital; debt capital; loan capital Fremdkapital {n}; Fremdgelder {pl} [econ.] [fin.]

money market loan Geldmarktdarlehen {n}; Geldmarktkredit {m} [fin.]

money market loans Geldmarktdarlehen {pl}; Geldmarktkredite {pl}

community loan Gemeinschaftsanleihe {f}

global loan Globaldarlehen {n} [fin.]

global loans Globaldarlehen {pl}

home loan consultant Hypothekenberater {m}; Hypothekenberaterin {f} [fin.]

home loan consultants Hypothekenberater {pl}; Hypothekenberaterinnen {pl}

domestic loan Inlandsanleihe {f} [fin.]

domestic loans Inlandsanleihen {pl}

investment loan Investitionsanleihe {f} [fin.]

investment loans Investitionsanleihen {pl}

investment loan Investitionsdarlehen {n} [fin.]

combined loan Kombianleihe {f} [fin.]

combined loans Kombianleihen {pl}

municipal loan Kommunalanleihe {f}

credit claim; loan claim (against sb.) Kreditforderung {f} (an jdn. / gegenüber jdm.) [fin.]

credit claims; loan claims Kreditforderungen {pl}

repayment of credit; repayment of loan Kreditrückzahlung {f}; Darlehensrückzahlung {f} [fin.]

credit security; loan security Kreditsicherung {f} [fin.]

applicant for credit; credit seeker; loan applicant Kreditsuchender {m}; Kreditsuchende {f} [fin.]

applicants for credit; credit seekers; loan applicants Kreditsuchende {pl}; Kreditsuchenden {pl}

amortization of credit; amortization of loan; amortisation of credit/loan [Br.] Kredittilgung {f}; Darlehenstilgung {f} [fin.]

proceeds of a loan; loan money Kreditvaluta {f} [fin.]

extortionate moneylending; loan-sharking [coll.] Kreditwucher {m} [fin.]

short-term loan Kurzausleihe {f}

calque; loan translation Lehnübersetzung {f} [ling.]

calques; loan translations Lehnübersetzungen {pl}

loanword; loan word Lehnwort {n}

loanwords; loan words Lehnwörter {pl}

renewal of the loan period Leihfristverlängerung {f}

renewals of the loan period Leihfristverlängerungen {pl}

inter-library loan aktiver Leihverkehr {m} (Bibliotheken)

Interlibrary Loan Regulations Leihverkehrsordnung {f} /LVO/ (Bibliotheken)

tools on loan Leihwerkzeuge {pl}

mezzanine loan; mezzanine credit Mezzanin-Darlehen {n}; Mezzanin-Kredit {m} [fin.]

mezzanine loans; mezzanine credits Mezzanin-Darlehen {pl}; Mezzanin-Kredite {pl}

personal credit; personal loan Privatkredit {m}; Personalkredit {m}; Privatdarlehen {n} [fin.]

personal credits; personal loans Privatkredite {pl}; Personalkredite {pl}; Privatdarlehe {pl}

consumer instalment [Br.]/installment [Am.] credit; instalment [Br.]/installment [Am.] credit; instalment [Br.]/installment [Am.] loan [listen] [listen] Ratenkredit {m}; Abstattungskredit {m} [Ös.] [fin.]

consumer instalment/installment credits; instalment/installment credits; instalment/installment loans [listen] [listen] Ratenkredite {pl}; Abstattungskredite {pl}

refinancing loan Refinanzierungskredit {m} [fin.]

refinancing loans Refinanzierungskredite {pl}

six-month money; loan(s) for six months Sechsmonatsgeld {n} [fin.]

redeemable loan; redemption loan; amortization loan; sinking-fund loan Tilgungsanleihe {f}; Amortisationsanleihe {f} [fin.]

redeemable loans; redemption loans; amortization loans; sinking-fund loans Tilgungsanleihen {pl}; Amortisationsanleihen {pl}

debt rescheduling; loan conversion Umschuldung {f}

conversion loan Umstellungsdarlehen {n}

contractor loan Unternehmerkredit {m}

contractor loans Unternehmerkredite {pl}

lending department; loan department (hausinterne / firmeninterne) Verleihstelle {f}; Leihstelle {f}; Ausleihe {f} [ugs.]

policy loan; loan extended by an insurance company Versicherungsdarlehen {n} [fin.]

policy loans; loan extended by an insurance companies Versicherungsdarlehen {pl}

premium-carrying loan Wachstumsanleihe {f} [fin.]

premium-carrying loans Wachstumsanleihen {pl}

flow-through credit; flow-through loan Weiterleitungskredit {m}; durchlaufender Kredit {m} [fin.]

residential real estate loan Wohnimmobiliendarlehen {n} [fin.]

residential real estate loans Wohnimmobiliendarlehen {pl}

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