Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

grey ground thrush Ghanadrossel {f} [ornith.]

grey & brown laughing thrush Schieferhäherling {m} [ornith.]

grey sibia Grautimalie {f} [ornith.]

grey apalis Graurücken-Feinsänger {m} [ornith.]

grey longbill Einfarb-Bülbülgrasmücke {f} [ornith.]

grey tailor bird Grauschneidervogel {m} [ornith.]

grey tit flycatcher Meisenschnäpper {m} [ornith.]

grey grass wren Brauengrasschlüpfer {m} [ornith.]

grey flyeater Weißbürzelgerygone {f} [ornith.]

grey thicket flycatcher Fahlbauch-Dickichtschnäpper {m} [ornith.]

grey shrike-thrush Graubrust-Dickkopf {m} [ornith.]

grey whistler Graudickkopf {m} [ornith.]

grey honeyeater Grauhonigfresser {m} [ornith.]

grey & whithe warbling finch Schwarzwangen-Ammerfink {m} [ornith.]

grey seedeater Einfarbpfäffchen {n} [ornith.]

grey & gold warbler Feenwaldsänger {m} [ornith.]

grey vireo Grauvireo {m} [ornith.]

grey starling Weißwangenstar {m} [ornith.]

grey currawong Rußwürgerkrähe {f} [ornith.]

grey crow Greisenkrähe {f} [ornith.]

grey jay Meisenhäher {m} [ornith.]

to turn grey ergrauen {vi}

graying ergrauend

turning grey ergrauend

grays ergraut

turns grey ergraut

turned grey ergraute

inflammation of the grey substance of the spinal cord; poliomyelitis; polio; infantile paralysis [obs.] Entzündung {f} der grauen Substanz des Rückenmarks; (spinale) Kinderlähmung {f}; Poliomyelitis {f}; Polio {f} [med.]

bulbar poliomyelitis Bulbärpoliomyelitis {f}

postvaccinal poliomyelitis; vaccination polio; postinoculation poliomyelitis Impfpoliomyelitis {f}; Polio nach Impfung

shade of grey [Br.]; shade of gray [Am.] Grauton {m}

shade of grey [Br.]; shade of gray [Am.] Graustufe {f}

shade of grey [Br.]; shade of gray [Am.] Grauschattierung {f}

apple grey Apfelschimmel {m}

grey/gray speck disease (of oat) Dörrfleckenkrankheit {f} (des Hafers) [bot.] [agr.]

greyscale; grey scale [Br.], gray scale [Am.] Grauskala {f} [photo.] [comp.]

8 bit greyscale 8-Bit-Grauskala

gray whale; grey whale; Californian gray whale; scrag whale; mussel digger; devilfish Grauwal {m}; Kalifornischer Grauwal {m} (Eschrichtius robustus) [zool.]

greywater; grey water; sullage Grauwasser {n}; Abwasser aus Haushalten

jojoba shrub; jojoba; coffeeberry; grey box bush; deer nut; goat nut; pig nut Jojobastrauch {m}; Jojoba {f} (Simmondsia chinensis) [bot.]

button mangrove; false mangrove; grey mangrove; Florida buttonwood; green buttonwood; buttonwood; buttonbush Knopfmangrove {f} (Conocarpus erectus) [bot.]

Flathead grey mullet Meeräsche {f} [zool.]

Flathead grey mullets Meeräschen {pl}

the men in grey suits; the men in suits; the suits die feinen Herrn {pl}; die Nadelstreifenträger {pl} [Dt.] [Schw.]; die Nadelstreifträger {pl} [Ös.] [pej.]

grey-brown podzolic soil Parabraunerde {f} [geol.]

Risso's dolphin; white-head grampus; grey grampus Rundkopfdelfin {m}; Risso-Delfin {m} (Grampus griseus) [zool.]

white horse; grey horse Schimmel {m} (weißes Pferd) [listen]

white horses; grey horses Schimmel {pl} [listen]

loom-state fabric; grey cloth Stuhlware {f}; Stuhltuch {n} [textil.]

tucuxi; Sotalia; Estuarine dolphin; grey dolphin Tucuxi {m}; Sotalia-Delfin {m}; Amazonas-Sotalia {m} (Tucuxi fluviatilis) [zool.]

field-grey [Br.]; field-gray [Am.] feldgrau {adj} [textil.] [mil.]

mottled grey [Br.]; mottled gray [Am.] grau meliert {adj} [textil.]

grey-greenish graugrünlich {adj}

grey-headed; grey-haired [Br.]; gray-headed; gray-haired [Am.]; hoar-headed [dated] grauhaarig {adj}

light grey; pale grey [Br.]; light gray; pale gray [Am.] hellgrau; blassgrau {adj}

isabelline (yellowish grey) isabellfarbig; isabellfarben {adj} (graugelb) [zool.]

lunar grey [Br.]; lunar gray [Am.] mondgrau {adj}

pearl grey [Br.]; pearl gray [Am.] perlgrau {adj}

fuscous; brownish-grey schlammgrau; braungrau {adj}

dirty grey [Br.]; dirty gray [Am.] schmutziggrau {adj}

silver(y)-grey [Br.]; silver(y)-gray [Am.] silbergrau {adj}

bluey-grey [Br.]; bluey-gray [Am.] taubenblau {adj}

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