Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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tephritid fruit flies; fruit flies; peacock flies (zoological family) Fruchtfliegen {pl}; Bohrfliegen {pl} (Tephritidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.]

nectar drink (fruit drink with less than 50% fruit juice content) Fruchtnektar {m} [cook.]

multiple fruit Fruchtstand {m}; Fruchtverband {m}; Fruktifizenz {f} [bot.]

Alpine fruit bread; Alpine fruit loaf; Alpine fruit cake Früchtebrot {n}; Kletzenbrot {n} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Hutzenbrot [BW]; Zelten {m} [Tirol] [veraltend] [cook.]

fruitcake (with candied fruit) Früchtekuchen {m} (mit kandierten Früchten) [cook.]

guarana fruit; guarana Guaranafrucht {f}; Guarana {f} [cook.]

guarana fruit; guaranas Guaranafrüchte {pl}; Guaranen {pl}

hammer-headed fruit bat; hammer-headed bat; big-lipped bat Hammerkopf-Flughund {m}; Hammerkopf {m} (Hypsignathus monstrosus) [zool.]

tea spiked with fruit schnapps or rum Jagatee {m} (Jägertee) [Ös.] [cook.]

pomaceous fruit plants (botanical subtribe) Kernfruchtgewächse {pl} (Pyrinae) (botanische Subtribus) [bot.]

core; cores (of pome fruit) [listen] Kerngehäuse {n}; Gehäuse {n}; Kernhaus {n}; Griebs {m}; Griebsch {m} [Norddt.] [Ostdt.]; Kitsch {m} [Westdt.]; Butz {m} [Süddt.] [Ös.]; Butzen {m} [Süddt.] [Ös.]; Bütschgi {n} [Schw.] (von Kernobst) [cook.] [listen]

pomaceous fruit; pome fruit; pipfruit [NZ] (plural-only noun) Kernobst {n} (Mehrzahlwort) [cook.]

kiwi fruit; Chinese gooseberry Kiwifrucht {f} [bot.] [cook.]

clementine (fruit) Klementine {f}; Clementine {f} (Frucht) [cook.]

stewed fruit; compote Kompott {m} [cook.]

compote; fruit bowl Kompottschale {f}

compotes; fruit bowls Kompottschalen {pl}

crate; fruit crate [listen] Lattenkiste {f}; Obstkiste {f}; Steige {f}; Stiege {f}; Harass {m} [Schw.]

crates; fruit crates Lattenkisten {pl}; Obstkisten {pl}; Steigen {pl}; Stiegen {pl}; Harasse {pl}

longan fruit; dragon's eye Longan-Frucht {f}; Drachenauge {n} [cook.]

luffa gourd; loofah gourd (fruit) Luffa-Kürbis {m} (Frucht des Schwammkürbis oder der Flügelgurke) [cook.]

monk fruit; luo han guo Mönchsfrucht {f}; Luo han guo (Siraitia grosvenorii) [bot.]

drink made from fruit, sugar, and water Nektar {m} (Fruchtgetränk) [cook.]

fruit-growing Obstanbau {m}; Obstbau {m} [agr.]

crop of fruit Obsternte {f} [agr.]

crops of fruit Obsternten {pl}

day for eating only fruit Obsttag {m}

fruit-processing Obstverwertung {f} [agr.]

oleaginous fruit Ölfrucht {f} [bot.] [agr.]

oleaginous fruits Ölfrüchte {pl}

pepper fruit Paprikaschote {f} [cook.]

chipotle geräucherte und getrocknete Jalapena-Schote {f}

Brazil nut fruit Paranussfrucht {f} [bot.]

prunus stone fruit plants (botanical genus) Prunus-Steinobstpfanzen {pl}; Prunus-Steinobstgewächse {pl} (Prunus) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

rambutan fruit; rambutan; hairy lychee Rambutanfrucht {f}; Rambutan {f}; haarige Litschi {f} [bot.]

rhaphiolepis pome fruit plants (botanical genus) Rhaphiolepis-Kernfruchtgewächse {pl} (Rhaphiolepis) (botanische Gattung) [bot.]

Indian hawthorn; India hawthorn; Hong Kong hawthorn Chinesischer Traubenapfel; Indischer Hagestrauch; Indischer Weißdorn (Rhaphiolepis indica)

lusciousness (of fruit) Saftigkeit {f}; Süße {f} (von Früchten)

aggregate fruit Sammelfrucht {f} [bot.]

aggregate fruits Sammelfrüchte {pl}

pseudo-fruit Scheinfrucht {f} [bot.]

pseudo-fruits Scheinfrüchte {pl}

indehiscent fruit Schließfrucht {f} [bot.]

achene einsamige trockene Schließfrucht

velvety fruit-eating bat Schokoladen-Fruchtzwerg {m} (Enchisthenes hartii) [zool.]

espalier fruit Spalierobst {n}

dehiscent fruit Springfrucht {f} [bot.]

dehiscent fruits Springfrüchte {pl}

drupe; drupaceous fruit Steinfrucht {f} [bot.]

drupes Steinfrüchte {pl}

stone fruit Steinfrucht {f}

stone fruit (plural-only noun) Steinobst {n} (Mehrzahlwort) [bot.] [agr.]

stone fruit plants (botanical tribe) Steinobstgewächse {pl} (Amygdaleae) (botanische Tribus) [bot.]

star apple tree; milk fruit tree; golden leaf tree Sternapfelbaum {m} (Chrysophyllum cainito) [bot.]

tropical fruit Südfrucht {f}

tropical fruits Südfrüchte {pl}

sweet almond (fruit) Süßmandel {f} (Frucht) [cook.]

unfermented fruit juice Süßmost {m} [cook.]

dessert fruit Tafelobst {n} [cook.]

tamarind (fruit) Tamarinde {f}; indische Dattel {f}; Sauerdattel {f} (Frucht) [cook.]

common fruit flies; drosophilia fruit flies; drosophila family (zoological family) Taufliegen {pl}; Gärfliegen {pl}; Mostfliegen {pl}; Essigfliegen {pl}; Fruchtfliegen {pl}; Obstfliegen {pl} (Drosophilidae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.]

spotted-wing drosophila Kirschessigfliege {f} (Drosophila suzukii)

dried fruit Trockenfrüchte {pl} [cook.]

ugli fruit Ugli {f} [bot.] [cook.]

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