Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
All NounsVerbs

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to cover sth. with earth etw. einscharren {vt}

covering with earth einscharrend

covered with earth eingescharrt

to hide sth. in the earth; to put undergroundsth. etw. verscharren; verbuddeln [Dt.] [ugs.]; heimlich / lieblos vergraben {vt}

hiding in the earth; putting underground verscharrend; verbuddelnd; heimlich / lieblos vergrabend

hidden in the earth; put underground verscharrt; verbuddelt; heimlich / lieblos vergraben

ochre; ocher [Am.]; yellow earth Ocker {m}

spruce ochre brauner Ocker; gelber Ocker

rud; rudd roter Ocker

Aalenian (stage in the Earth's history) Aalen {n}; Aalenium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.]

analemma (figure showing the changing position of the sun over the course of a year as viewed from a fixed position on Earth) Analemma {n} (Figur des übers Jahr wechselnden Sonnenstands von einem fixen Punkt der Erde aus gesehen) [astron.]

excavated material; excavated earth; spoil [listen] Aushubmaterial {n}; Aushubmasse {f}; Erdaushub {m}; Aushub {m}; Baggergut {n}; Abraum {m}; abgetragene Erde {f} [constr.]

Bajocian (stage in the Earth's history) Bajoc {n}; Bajocium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.]

strip earth band Banderdungsschelle {f} [electr.]

strip earth bands Banderdungsschellen {pl}

system earth(ing) [Br.]; system ground [Am.] Betriebserdung {f}; Betriebserde {f} [electr.]

fuller's earth Bleicherde {f}; Walkerde {f}; Walkermergel {m} [veraltet]; Fullererde {f} [min.]

cledge obere Bleicherdeschicht

lightning protection earth [Br.]; lightning protection ground [Am.] Blitzschutzerdung {f}; Blitzschutzerde {f} [electr.]

Callovian (stage in the Earth's history) Callov {n}; Callovium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.]

badger's earth; badger's sett [Br.]; badger's set [Br.]; sett [Br.] Dachsbau {m} [zool.]

diatomaceous earth; infusorial earth Diatomeen-Erde {f}; Infusorienerde {f} [min.]

earth's energy budget Energiehaushalt {m} der Erde

axis of the earth Erdachse {f}

axes of the earth Erdachsen {pl}

alkaline earth metal Erdalkalimetall {n}

earth's orbit Erdbahn {f}

earthquake intensity (on the Earth's surface) Erdbebenintensität {f} (an der Erdoberfläche) [phys.]

earth-moving; shifting of earth Erdbewegungen {pl}; Erdarbeiten {pl} [constr.]

inhabitant of the earth Erdbewohner {m}

inhabitants of the earth Erdbewohner {pl}

soil pressure; earth pressure; earth thrust; thrust of the ground; thrust; earth load; soil shear [listen] Erddruck {m} [constr.]

earthing [Br.]; grounding [Am.]; connection to earth [Br.]/ground [Am.] [listen] Erden {n}; Erdung {f} [electr.]

earthing; earth treatment; clay treatment (oil) Erden {n}; Erdung {f}; Erdbehandlung {f} (Öl)

earth's field Erdfeld {n} [telco.]

apogee; farthest point to earth (of a celestial object on its orbit) Erdferne {f}; erdfernster Punkt {m}; Apogäum {n} (eines Himmelskörpers auf seiner Bahn) [astron.]

the history of the Earth; the Earth's history die Erdgeschichte {f} [geol.]

centrosphere core of the earth; central core (of the earth); earth's nucleus; earth's core Erdkern {m} [geol.]

mass of the earth; soil mass; body of soil Erdmasse {f}

earth's mantle; mantle of the earth Erdmantel {m} [geol.]

perigee; nearest point to earth (of a celestial object on its orbit) Erdnähe {f}; erdnächster Punkt {m}; Perigäum {n} (eines Himmelskörpers auf seiner Bahn) [astron.]

at perigee in Erdnähe

radius of the earth Erdradius {m}

shadow of the earth Erdschatten {m}

leakage indicator; leak indicator; earth detector [Br.]; earth coil [Br.]; ground detector [Am.]; ground coil [Am.] Erdschlussanzeiger {m} [electr.]

leakage indicators; leak indicators; earth detectors; earth coils; ground detectors; ground coils Erdschlussanzeiger {pl}

leakage tester; earth tester [Br.]; ground tester [Am.] Erdschlussprüfer {m}; Isolationsprüfer {m} [electr.]

leakage testers; earth testers; ground testers Erdschlussprüfer {pl}; Isolationsprüfer {pl}

earth-leakage relay; earth-leakage monitor Erdschlusswächter {m} [electr.]

clod of earth Erdscholle {f}

clods of earth Erdschollen {pl}

earth's gravitational field Erdschwerefeld {n}

earthquake shock; earth shock Erdstoß {m} [geogr.] [phys.]

earthquake shocks; earth shocks Erdstöße {pl}

functional earth Funktionserde {f} [electr.]

healing earth; healing mud; healing clay; medicinal clay Heilerde {f} [med.]

Hettangian (stage in the Earth's history) Hettang {n}; Hettangium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.]

International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service Internationaler Dienst für Erdrotation und Referenzsysteme /IERS/

kaolin; china clay; porcelain clay; porcelain earth Kaolin {n}; Porzellanerde {f} [min.]

decanted earth gewaschenes Kaolin

earthbound (attached to earth) erdgebunden {adj}

siliceous earth Kieselerde {f}

Kimmeridgian (stage in the Earth's history) Kimmeridge {n}; Kimmeridgium {n} (erdgeschichtliche Stufe) [geol.]

bone ash(es); bone earth Knochenasche {f} [chem.]

ground cable [Am.]; earth cable Massekabel {n}; Erdungskabel {n}; Erdleiter {m} [electr.]

ground cables; earth cables Massekabel {pl}; Erdungskabel {pl}; Erdleiter {pl}

ground loop; earth loop Masseschleife {f}; Erdschleife {f} [electr.]

ground loops; earth loops Masseschleifen {pl}; Erdschleifen {pl}

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