Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

garden city movement (urban planning) Gartenstadtbewegung {f} (Stadtplanung) [hist.]

local council decision; municipal council decision; parish council decision [Br.] (in a village); city council decision [Am.]; common council decision [Am.] Gemeinderatsbeschluss {m} [pol.]

local council decisions; municipal council decisions; parish council decisions; city council decisions; common council decisions Gemeinderatsbeschlüsse {pl}

London livery company [Br.]; livery company of the City of London Gilde {f} der Stadt London; traditioneller Londoner Berufsverband {m}

global city Globalstadt {f}

global cities Globalstädte {pl}

Guantánamo (city and province in Cuba) Guantánamo (Stadt und Provinz in Kuba) [geogr.]

Heliopolis (former city of ancient Egypt) Heliopolis {n} (ehemaligie altägyptische Stadt) [hist.]

to read like heart-attack city sich wie die Anleitung zum Herzinfarkt lesen {vr}

The ingredients read like heart-attack city. Die Zutatenliste liest sich wie ein Rezept für einen Herzinfarkt.

Ishtar Gate (gate to the city of Babylon) Ischtar-Tor {n} (Stadttor von Babylon) [hist.]

treasurer; city treasurer [listen] Kämmerer {m}; Stadtkämmerer {m}; Stadtkämmerin {f}

treasurers; city treasurers Kämmerer {pl}; Stadtkämmerer {pl}; Stadtkämmerinnen {pl}

lighting gas; illuminating gas; city gas; coal gas Leuchtgas {n}

local derby [Br.]; derby [Br.] (sports match between two teams from the same city or area) Lokalderby {n}; Derby {n} [sport]

taxicab geometry; Manhattan length; Manhattan distance; city block distance Manhattan-Metrik {f}; Mannheimer Metrik {f}; Taximetrik {f}; Manhattan-Distanz {f}; Manheim-Distanz {f} [math.]

Miletus (ancient city) Milet {n} (antike Stadt) [geogr.] [hist.]

model city; modell town Modellstadt {f}

mono-city (in Russia) Monostadt {f} (in Russland)

mono-cities Monostädte {pl}

Olympic city Olympiasstadt {f}

Olympic cities Olympiasstädte {pl}

twin town; twin city Partnerstadt {f}

twin towns; twin cities Partnerstädte {pl}

sister town; sister city Patenstadt {f}

sister towns; sister cities Patenstädte {pl}

primate city Primatstadt {f} [geogr.]

primate cities Primatstädte {pl}

edge city Randstadt {f} [geogr.]

edge cities Randstädte {pl}

satellite commuter town; satellite town; satellite city; overspill town Satellitenstadt {f}; Trabantenstadt {f} [soc.]

satellite commuter towns; satellite towns; satellite cities; overspill towns Satellitenstädte {pl}; Trabantenstädte {pl}

emerging city Schwellenstadt {f}

emerging cities Schwellenstädte {pl}

view of the city; view of the town Stadtansicht {f}

views of the city; views of the town Stadtansichten {pl}

pertaining to the city of Bern Stadtberner; von Bern-Stadt {adj} [Schw.] [geogr.] [pol.]

stroll through the town/city centre Stadtbummel {m}

to take a stroll through the town/city centre einen Stadtbummel machen

guided city tour Stadtführung {f}

guided city tours Stadtführungen {pl}

public garden [Br.]; inner-city park [Am.]; downtown park [Am.] Stadtgarten {m}; Bürgergarten {m}

public gardens; inner-city parks; downtown parks Stadtgärten {pl}; Bürgergärten {pl}

town boundary; city boundary; city limit [Am.] Stadtgrenze {f}

town boundaries; city boundaries; city limits Stadtgrenzen {pl}

town centre; city centre; downtown area [Am.] Stadtmitte {f}; Stadtkern {m}

urban planner; town planner [Br.]; city planner [Am.]; community planner [Am.] Stadtplaner {m}; Stadtplanerin {f}

urban planners; town planners; city planners; community planners Stadtplaner {pl}; Stadtplanerinnen {pl}

urban planning; town planning; city planning [Am.] Stadtplanung {f} [geogr.] [pol.]

sightseeing tour; city tour Stadtrundfahrt {f}

sightseeing tours; city tours Stadtrundfahrten {pl}

the city fathers die Stadtväter {pl} [pol.]

town councillor; city councillor; municipal councillor Stadtverordnete {m,f}; Stadtverordneter

cosmopolitan city Weltstadt {f}

cosmopolitan cities Weltstädte {pl}

tent city Zeltstadt {f}

within the city; within the town innerstädtisch {adj}

inner-city innerstädtisch {adj}; mitten in der Stadt

Vatican City Vatikanstadt {f} [geogr.]

Basle-City (Swiss canton) Basel-Stadt /BS/ (Schweizer Kanton; Hauptort: Basel) [geogr.]

Québec; capital: Québec City Quebec (Provinz Kanadas); Hauptstadt: Quebec [geogr.]

Missouri /MO/ (state of the US; capital: Jefferson City) Missouri (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Jefferson City) [geogr.]

Nevada /NV/ (state of the US; capital: Carson City) Nevada (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Carson City) [geogr.]

Oklahoma /OK/ (state of the US; capital: Oklahoma City) Oklahoma (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Oklahoma City) [geogr.]

Utah /UT/ (state of the US; capital: Salt Lake City) Utah (US-Bundesstaat; Hauptstadt: Salt Lake City) [geogr.]

New York City /NYC/; the Big Apple [coll.] (city in the US) New York (Stadt in den USA)

Mexico City (capital of Mexico) Mexiko-Stadt (Hauptstadt von Mexiko) [geogr.]

São Paulo (city in Brazil) São Paulo (Stadt in Brasilien) [geogr.]

Mumbai; Bombay (city in India) Mumbai; Bombay (Stadt in Indien) [geogr.]

Osaka (city in Japan) Osaka (Stadt in Japan) [geogr.]

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