Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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aluminium bottle; aluminum bottle Aluminiumflasche {f}

aluminium bottles; aluminum bottles Aluminiumflaschen {pl}

magnum; magnum bottle Anderthalbliterflasche {f}

pharmaceutical bottle; medicine bottle Apothekerflasche {f}; Apothekenflasche {f}; Medizinflasche {f}; Apothekerfläschchen {n}; Apothekenfläschchen {n}; Medizinfläschchen {n} [pharm.]

pharmaceutical bottles; medicine bottles Apothekerflaschen {pl}; Apothekenflaschen {pl}; Medizinflaschen {pl}; Apothekerfläschchen {pl}; Apothekenfläschchen {pl}; Medizinfläschchen {pl}

baby bottle Babyflasche {f}

baby bottles Babyflaschen {pl}

beer bottle; bottle of beer Bierflasche {f}; Flasche Bier

beer bottles; bottles of beer Bierflaschen {pl}

chief cook and bottle washer Chef und Mädchen für alles; Allroundchef {m}; Chefdepp {m} [soc.]

reagent bottle Chemikalienflasche {f}; Reagensflasche {f}

reagent bottles Chemikalienflaschen {pl}; Reagensflaschen {pl}

crimp cap bottle; crimped cap bottle Crimpflasche {f}

crimp cap bottles; crimped cap bottles Crimpflaschen {pl}

coke-bottle principle [Am.] Diffusorprinzip {n} [techn.]

wire cage; muselet (on a sparkling wine bottle) Drahtkorb {m}; Drahtgeflecht {n}; Agraffe {f} (auf einer Sektflasche)

compressed air bottle Druckluftflasche {f}

compressed air bottles Druckluftflaschen {pl}

small bottle Flakon {m}

spin the bottle Flaschendrehen {n}

genie in the bottle Flaschengeist {m}

to let the genie out of the bottle den Geist aus der Flasche lassen [übtr.]

ship in a bottle Flaschenschiff {n}; Buddelschiff {n} [Norddt.]

ship in a bottles Flaschenschiffe {pl}; Buddelschiffe {pl}

impossible bottle Geduldsflasche {f}; Eingericht {n}

hand spray bottle; hand sprayer; gardening/water spray bottle; gardening sprayer; garden sprayer Handsprühflasche {f}; Handsprüher {m}; Blumensprüher {m}; Pflanzensprüher {m}

hand spray bottles; hand sprayers; gardening/water spray bottles; gardening sprayers; garden sprayers Handsprühflaschen {pl}; Handsprüher {pl}; Blumensprüher {pl}; Pflanzensprüher {pl}

infusion bottle Infusionsflasche {f} [med.]

infusion bottles Infusionsflaschen {pl}

vacuum flask; thermos flask; thermos jug; thermos; vacuum bottle [Am.]; thermos bottle [Am.] Isolierflasche {f}; Warmhalteflasche {f}; Thermosflasche {f}; Isolierkanne {f}; Thermoskanne {f}; Thermoskrug {m} [Schw.]; Thermophor {m} [ugs.] [cook.]

vacuum flasks; thermos flasks; thermos jugs; thermoses; vacuum bottles; thermos bottles Isolierflaschen {pl}; Warmhalteflaschen {pl}; Thermosflaschen {pl}; Isolierkannen {pl}; Thermoskannen {pl}; Thermoskrüge {pl}; Thermophoren {pl}

thermo bottle Isolierflasche {f}

thermo bottles Isolierflaschen {pl}

Klein bottle Klein'sche Fläche {f}; Klein'scher Schlauch {m} [math.]

potato nose; bottle nose; bulbous nose; hammer nose; whisky-rum nose; pineal nose; copper-nose; rhinophyma; rhinophym Knollennase {f}; Kartoffelnase {f}; Knubbelnase {f} [Dt.]; Blumenkohlnase {f} [Dt.]; Pfundsnase {f} [Dt.]; Rhinophym {n} [med.]

potato noses; bottle noses; bulbous nose; hammer noses; whisky-rum noses; pineal noses; copper-noses; rhinophymas; rhinophyms Knollennasen {pl}; Kartoffelnasen {pl}; Knubbelnasen {pl}; Blumenkohlnasen {pl}; Pfundsnasen {pl}; Rhinophyme {pl}

cosmetic bottle Kosmetikflasche {f}; Kosmetikfläschchen {n}

cosmetic bottles Kosmetikflaschen {pl}; Kosmetikfläschchen {pl}

culture flask; culture bottle (laboratory device) Kulturflasche {f} (Laborgerät) [biol.] [med.]

culture flasks; culture bottles Kulturflaschen {pl}

shrinking of the stomach; stomach shrinkage; leather bottle stomach; gastrostenosis (entzündliche) Magenschrumpfung {f}; Schrumpfmagen {m}; derber Magen {m} (Linitis plastica) [med.]

Dutch party; bottle party; potluck party [Am.] Mitbringparty {f}

Dutch parties; bottle parties; potluck parties Mitbringpartys {pl}

levelling bottle Niveauflasche {f} (Labor)

bailout bottle Notsauerstoffflasche {f}

bailout bottles Notsauerstoffflaschen {pl}

scent bottle Parfümfläschchen {n}

PET blowfill plant (bottle filling) PET-Blas- und Abfüllanlage {f} (Flaschenabfüllung) [techn.]

plastic bottle Plastikflasche {f}

plastic bottles Plastikflaschen {pl}

plastic bottle blowing machine Plastikflaschenblasapparat {m}

plastic bottle blowing machines Plastikflaschenblasapparate {pl}

trial bottle Probierflasche {f}; Probierfläschchen {n}; Probefläschchen {n} [econ.]

trial bottles Probierflaschen {pl}; Probierfläschchen {pl}; Probefläschchen {pl}

pump dispenser; pump bottle (for liquids) Pumpspender {m}; Pumpflasche {f} (für Flüssigkeiten)

pump dispensers; pump bottles Pumpspender {pl}; Pumpflaschen {pl}

reagent bottle Reagenzflasche {f} [chem.]

reagent bottles Reagenzflaschen {pl}

feeder; feeding bottle [listen] Säuglingsflasche {f}; Saugflasche {f}

oxygen bottle; oxygen cylinder; oxygen flask; oxygen tank Sauerstoffflasche {f}; Sauerstoff-Stahlflasche {f}

oxygen bottles; oxygen cylinders; oxygen flasks; oxygen tanks Sauerstoffflaschen {pl}; Sauerstoff-Stahlflaschen {pl}

blow flies; blow-flies; carrion flies; cluster flies; blue bottle flies; bluebottles; green bottles flies; greenbottles (zoological family) Schmeißfliegen {pl} (Calliphoridae) (zoologische Familie) [zool.]

screw cap bottle Schraubflasche {f}

screw cap bottles Schraubflaschen {pl}

champagne bottle Sektflasche {f}

wash bottle; washing bottle; squeeze bottle Spritzflasche {f} [chem.]

wash bottles; washing bottles; squeeze bottles Spritzflaschen {pl}

steel bottle Stahlflasche {f}

steel bottles Stahlflaschen {pl}

JATO bottle Startraketenbehälter {m} [mil.]

JATO bottles Startraketenbehälter {pl}

drinking bottle Trinkflasche {f}

drinking bottles Trinkflaschen {pl}

dropper bottle Tropfflasche {f} [pharm.]

dropper bottles Tropfflaschen {pl}

urinal; urine bottle Urinflasche {f}

urinals; urine bottles Urinflaschen {pl}

packaging bottle Verpackungsflasche {f}

packaging bottles Verpackungsflaschen {pl}

weighing bottle (laboratory) Wägeglas {n}; Wägegläschen {n} (Labor) [chem.]

weighing bottles Wägegläser {pl}; Wägegläschen {pl}

hot-water bottle; hottie [Br.] [coll.]; hotty [Br.] [coll.]; hot-water bag [Am.] [rare] Wärmflasche {f}; Wärmeflasche {f} [Ös.]; Bettflasche {f} [Süddt.] [Schw.]; Thermophor {m} [Ös.]

hot-water bottles; hotties; hotties; hot-water bags Wärmflaschen {pl}; Wärmeflaschen {pl}; Bettflaschen {pl}; Thermophore {pl}

water bottle Wasserflasche {f}

water bottles Wasserflaschen {pl}

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