Dictionary - TU Chemnitz
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European Monetary Institute /EMI/ Europäisches Währungsinstitut /EWI/

European System of Central Bank /ESCB/ Europäisches Zentralbankensystem /EZBS/

European Flora, Fauna, Habitats Directive; Habitats Directive (EU) europäische Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie (EU) {f} [envir.]

European flounder Flunder {f} (Platichthys flesus) [zool.]

European flounders Flundern {pl}

European mistletoe family; mistletoe family (botanical family) Mistelgewächse {pl} (Viscaceae) (botanische Familie) [bot.]

European Passenger Fares Conference (railway) Europäische Personentarifkonferenz {f} (Bahn)

European barracuda Pfeilhecht {m}; Barracuda {m} [zool.]

European barracudas Pfeilhechte {pl}; Barracudas {pl}

European qualifications framework for lifelong learning europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen {m} für lebenslanges Lernen [school]

European chub; round chub; fat chub; chub; chevin; pollard Rohrkarpfen {m}; Döbel {m}; Aitel {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Eitel {m} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; Alet {m} [Schw.] (Leuciscus cephalus) [zool.]

European chubs; round chubs; fat chubs; chubs; chevins; pollards Rohrkarpfen {pl}; Döbel {pl}; Aitel {pl}; Eitel {pl}; Aleten {pl}

European pilchard Sardine {f}; Pilchard {m} [zool.]

European pilchards Sardinen {pl}

European rail traffic management system /ERTMS/ (railway) europäisches Schienenverkehrsleitsystem {n} (Bahn)

European plaice Scholle {f}; Goldbutt {m} (Pleuronectes platessa) [zool.]

European plaice Schollen {pl}

European hake Seehecht {m}; Hechtdorsch {m} [zool.]

European hakes Seehechte {pl}; Hechtdorsche {pl}

European accident statement /EAS/ (form) europäischer Unfallbericht (Formular) {m}

European Space Agency /ESA/ europäische Weltraumorganisation {f} /EWO/

European rabbit Wildkaninchen {n} (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [zool.]

European rabbits Wildkaninchen {pl}

European dwarf cherry; dwarf cherry; steppe cherry; Mongolian cherry Zwergkirsche {f}; Zwergweichsel {f}; Strauchkirsche {f}; Steppenkirsche {f} (Prunus fruticosa) [bot.]

European Regulators Group for Electronic Communications Networks and Services (ERG) Gruppe Europäischer Regulierungsstellen für elektronische Kommunikationsnetze und -dienste (GERT)

European law Europarecht {n} [jur.]

European Coal and Steel Community /ECSC/ Europäische Gemeinschaft für Kohle und Stahl /EGKS/; Montanunion {f} [hist.]

European cup Europapokal {m}

European Standard Europäische Norm {f} (EN); Euronorm {f} [ugs.]

European record Europarekord {m}

European records Europarekorde {pl}

European Cultural Foundation (EFC) Europäische Kulturstiftung {f}

Federal Cultural Foundation Kulturstiftung des Bundes

European roller Blauracke {m} (Coracias garrulus) [ornith.]

European greenfinch Grünfink {m} (Carduelis chloris) [ornith.]

European shag Krähenscharbe {f} (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) [ornith.]

European robin Rotkehlchen {n} (Erithacus rubecula) [ornith.]

European goldfinch Stieglitz {m} (Carduelis carduelis) [ornith.]

European storm-petrel Sturmschwalbe {f} (Hydrobates pelagicus) [ornith.]

European scops-owl Zwergohreule {f} (Otus scops) [ornith.]

issuing State (of an European investigation order) Anordnungsstaat {m} (einer europäischen Ermittlungsanordnung) [jur.]

common European asylum system /CEAS/ gemeinsames europäisches Asylsystem {n} [pol.]

ATLAS network (association of European police special forces units) ATLAS-Verbund {m}; ATLAS-Gruppe {f} (Vereinigung europäischer Polizeispezialeinheiten)

auricula; bear's ear; European primrose Aurikel {f}; Alpenschlüsselblume {f} [bot.]

common dewberry; European dewberry Bereifte Brombeere {f}; Reifbrombeere {f}; Ackerbrombeere {f}; Ackerbeere {f}; Kratzbeere {f}; Kroatzbeere {f}; Bockbeere {f} (Rubus caesius) [bot.]

ECU (European Currency Unit) ECU (Europäische Währungseinheit)

elk; European elk; moose [Am.] [listen] [listen] Elch {m} (Alces alces) [zool.]

elks; moose [listen] Elche {pl}

Federation of European Stock Exchanges Europäischer Börsenverband

Euro rescue fund; European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism /EFSM/; European Financial Stability Facility /EFSF/ Euro-Rettungsschirm {m}; europäischer Stabilisierungsmechanismus {m} /ESM/; europäische Finanzstabilitätsfazilität {f} /EFSF/ [fin.] [pol.]

Gervais' beaked whale; Gulf Stream beaked whale; European beaked whale; Antillean beaked whale Gervais-Zweizahnwal {m}; Gervais-Schnabelwal {m} (Mesoplodon europaeus) [zool.]

Indo-European; Aryan Indo-Europäer {m}

Indo-European linguist Indogermanist {m}; Indogermanistin {f} [stud.]

Indo-European linguists Indogermanisten {pl}; Indogermanistinnen {pl}

Indo-European studies Indogermanistik {f}; indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft {f} [stud.]

carp; common carp; European carp [listen] Karpfen {m} [zool.]

carps; common carps; European carps Karpfen {pl}

(European) water clover (vierblättriger) Kleefarn {m} (Marsilea quadrifolia) [bot.]

adder; European adder; common European viper; crossed viper; crossed adder (Vipera berus) Kreuzotter {f} [zool.]

adders; European adders; common European vipers; crossed vipers; crossed adders Kreuzottern {pl}

listed offence (for a European Warrant of Arrest) Listendelikt {n} (für einen europäischen Haftbefehl) [jur.]

Marshall Plan; European Recovery Program /ERP/ [Am.]; European Recovery Programme /ERP/ [Br.] Marshallplan {m}; Marshall-Plan {m} [pol.] [hist.]

The European Surveillance System /TESSy/ europäisches Monitoringsystem {n} für Infektionskrankheiten

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