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513 results for gas | gas
Tip: Gender of German nouns:
{m} = der, {f} = die, {n} = das, {pl} = die

 German  English

Gasofen {n} (für Heizzwecke) gas heater

Gasöfen {pl} gas heaters

Gasöl {n}; Mittelöl {n} [chem.] gas oil; middle oil

Dieselöl {n}; Dieselkraftstoff {m} automotive gas oil /AGO/

Gasprobenahme {f} gas sampling

Gasprobenahmen {pl} gas samplings

Gasregelventil {n} gas control valve

Gasregelventile {pl} gas control valves

Gassammelrohr {n}; Doppelhahnrohr {n}; Gasmaus {f} [chem.] gas collection tube

Gassammelrohre {pl}; Doppelhahnrohre {pl}; Gasmäuse {pl} gas collection tubes

Gassauger {m}; Exhaustor {m} gas exhauster

Gassauger {pl}; Exhaustoren {pl} gas exhausters

Gasstreit {m} gas dispute

der Gasstreit zwischen Russland und der Ukraine the gas dispute between Russia and the Ukraine

Gasteilchen {n}; Gaspartikel {n} [chem.] [phys.] gas particle

Gasteilchen {pl}; Gaspartikel {pl} gas particles

Gastrockner {m} gas dryer

Gastrockner {pl} gas dryers

Gasturbine {f} gas turbine

Gasturbinen {pl} gas turbines

Gasuhr {f} gas meter

Gasuhren {pl} gas meters

Gaswascher {m}; Gaswäscher {m} [chem.] gas scrubber; flue scrubber

Gaswascher {pl}; Gaswäscher {pl} gas scrubbers; flue scrubbers

Gaswerk {n} gas works; gas plant

Gaswerke {pl} gas works; gas plants

Gaswolke {f} gas cloud

Gaswolken {pl} gas clouds

Gaszählrohr {n}; Gaszähler {m} (Kerntechnik) [techn.] gas counter tube; gas counter (nuclear engineering)

Gaszählrohre {pl}; Gaszähler {pl} gas counter tubes; gas counters

Gaszuleitungsrohr {n}; Gasrohr {n}; Gaszuleitung {f}; Gasleitung {f} [ugs.] (in Gebäuden) gas tube (indoors)

Gaszuleitungsrohre {pl}; Gasrohre {pl}; Gaszuleitungen {pl}; Gasleitungen {pl} gas tubes

Hauptgasleitung {f}; Gas-Hauptleitung {f}; Hauptversorgungsleitung {f} für Gas gas main

Hauptgasleitungen {pl}; Gas-Hauptleitungen {pl}; Hauptversorgungsleitungen {pl} für Gas gas mains

Kraftstoffleitung {f} [auto] gas line [Am.]; fuel line

Kraftstoffleitungen {pl} gas lines; fuel lines

Spurenprüfer {m} [techn.] gas trace detector

Spurenprüfer {pl} gas trace detectors

Gasgemisch {n} [chem.] gas mixture; gaseous mixture

Gasgemische {pl} gas mixtures; gaseous mixtures

Gasanzeigegerät {n} [techn.] gas indicator; gas detector

Gasanzeigegeräte {pl} gas indicators; gas detectors

Gasausbruch {m} [geol.] gas eruption; gas blow-out; blast of gas; outburst of gas

Gasausbrüche {pl} gas eruptions; gas blow-outs; blasts of gas; outbursts of gas

Gasanzeiger {m}; Gasdetektor {m} [techn.] gas escape detector; gas detector

Gasanzeiger {pl}; Gasdetektoren {pl} gas escape detectors; gas detectors

Autogenschneiden {n} gas cutting; oxyacetylene cutting

Autogenschweißen {n} gas welding; oxyacetylene welding

Brennschnitt {m} (Schweißen) [techn.] gas cut; flame cut (welding)

Gasaustausch {m} gas exchange; exchange of gases

Gasaustritt {m} gas escape

Gasbeleuchtung {f}; Gaslicht {n} gas lighting; gas illumination

Gasbeton {m}; Luftporenbeton {m}; Porenbeton {m}; Leichtbeton {m}; Ytong ® [constr.] gas concrete; cellular concrete, porous concrete, lightweight concrete; aerated concrete; autoclaved concrete; autoclaved aerated concrete /AAC/, autoclaved cellular concrete /ACC/; autoclaved lightweight concrete /ALC/; aircrete ®; ytong ®

Gasbohrung {f} (Vorgang) gas drilling

Gasbranche {f}; Gassektor {m}; Gaswirtschaft {f} [econ.] gas industry; gas trade; gas sector

Gasbrand {m}; Gasgangrän {n}; Gasödem {n}; Gasphlegmone {f}; Clostridium-Myositis [med.] gas gangrene; clostridial myonecrosis

Gaschemie {f} [chem.] gas chemistry

Gasdurchlässigkeit {f} gas permeability; permeability to gas

Gaseintrittsdruck {m} [mach.] gas inlet pressure

Gaseintrittstemperatur {f} [mach.] gas inlet temperature

Gasertrag {m} gas yield

Gasgeräte {pl} gas installations

Gasgeschwindigkeit {f} gas speed; gas velocity

Gasgesetze {pl} [phys.] gas laws

Gasinstallation {f} gas installation

Gaskabinett {n} gas cabinet

Gas- und Sanitärtechnik {f} gas and sanitary/sanitation installations engineering

Gaskonstante {f} [phys.] gas constant

Gasmangelsicherung {f} [mach.] gas failsafe device

Gasschutz {m} gas protection

Gassprühdose {f} gas spray

Gasstoffwechsel {m} [biol.] gas exchange

Gasvergiftung {f} gas poisoning

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