Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Hinterlassenschaft {f}; Verlassenschaft [Ös.]; Nachlass {m} (eines Verstorbenen) [jur.] [listen] property left (by a deceased [Br.]/decedent [Am.]); estate (of a deceased [Br.]/decedent [Am.]) [listen]

beweglicher Nachlass personal estate (of a deceased/decedent)

unbeweglicher Nachlass immovable part of a deceased person's estate

Restnachlass {f} residuary property [Br.]; residual property (left) [Br.]; residuary estate [Am.]; residual estate [Am.]; residue of the estate

Anteil an der Hinterlassenschaft share in the (deceased person's) estate; portion of the (decedent's) estate [Am.]

Einrede der Dürftigkeit des Nachlasses plea of insufficienty of the deceased's/decedent's estate

den Nachlass abwickeln to wind up the deceased's estate [Br.]; to settle the decedent's estate [Am.]

den Nachlass sichern to preserve the deceased's/decedent's estate

eine verschuldete Hinterlassenschaft; ein verschuldeter Nachlass a deceased's/decedent's estate encumbered with debts

Der Nachlass fällt an die gesetzlichen Erben. The deceased's/decedent's estate goes to the statutory heirs.