Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

in etw. herumwühlen; nach etw. wühlen {vi} [zool.] to root around/about; to rootle about [Br.] [coll.]; to rout about [coll.] in sth./for sth. [listen]

herumwühlend; wühlend rooting around/about; rootling about; routing about

herumgewühlt; gewühlt rooted around/about; rootled about; routed about

(in/nach etw.) herumwühlen; herumsuchen {vi} to scrabble (around/about) (for/through sth.)

herumwühlend; herumsuchend scrabbling

herumgewühlt; herumgesucht scrabbled

im Dreck nach etw. wühlen to scrabble in the dirt for sth.

in der Tasche herumwühlen to scrabble around in your bag

in etw. kramen; herumkramen; herumwühlen {vi} (nach etw.) to rummage; to rummage around/about; to rootle around [Br.] [coll.]; to fossick around [Austr.]; to roust around [rare] in sth. (for sth.) [listen] [listen]

kramend; herumkramend; herumwühlend rummaging; rummaging around/about; rootling around; fossicking around; rousting around

gekramt; herumgekramt; herumgewühlt rummaged; rummaged around/about; rootled around; fossicked around; rousted around

im Kühlschrank herumkramen to rummage around/about in the refrigerator

Sie kramte in ihrer Tasche nach dem Kassenzettel. She rummaged in her bag for the receipt.