Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Staatsanwalt {m}; Staatsanwältin {f} [jur.] Public Prosecutor; Crown Prosecutor [Br.] [Austr.]; District Attorney [Am.] /DA/; State / State's Attorney; County Attorney; County Prosecutor; Prosecuting Attorney; Solicitor [Am.]

Staatsanwälte {pl}; Staatsanwältinnen {pl} Public Prosecutors; Crown Prosecutors; District Attorneys; State / State's Attorneys; County Attorneys; County Prosecutors; Prosecuting Attorneys; Solicitors

Oberstaatsanwalt {m} senior prosecutor

stellvertretender Staatsanwalt Assistant State's Attorney [Am.]

Der Staatsanwalt hat Anklage wegen Mordes gegen ihn erhoben. The public prosecutor brought a charge of murder against him.