Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 German  English

Rippenhebemuskeln {pl}; Querfortsatzrippenmuskeln {pl} (Musculi levatores costarum) [anat.] levatores costarum muscles; levatores costarum

kurze Rippenhebemuskeln short levatores costarum muscles

lange Rippenhebemuskeln long levatores costarum muscles

kurzer Kopf (eines Muskels); Caput breve {m} [anat.] short head (of a muscle)

kurzer Kopf des Armbeugers; Caput breve musculi bicipitis brachii short head of the biceps muscle of the arm

kurzer Kopf des Beinbeugers; Caput breve musculi bicipitis femoris short head of the biceps muscle of the leg

langer Kopf (eines Muskels); Caput longum {m} [anat.] long head (of a muscle)

langer Trizepskopf; Caput longum musculi tricipitis brachii long head of the triceps (brachii) muscle