Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

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Axiom {n} [math.] axiom

Axiome {pl} axioms

Axiom {n} der Bestimmtheit [math.] axiom of extensionality

Axiom {n} der Vereinigung [math.] axiom of union

Postulat {n}; Axiom {n} [math.] postulate

Postulate {pl}; Axiome {pl} postulates

Bertrand-Postulat {n} Bertrand's postulate

Parallelenpostulat {n}; Parallelenaxiom {n} (Geometrie) parallel postulate (geometry)

Unendlichkeitsaxiom {n} (Mengenlehre) postulate of infinity (set theory)

Abzählbarkeitsaxiom {n} [math.] axiom of countability; axiom of numerability

Anordnungsaxiom {n} [math.] ordering axiom

Aussonderungsaxiom {n} [math.] axiom of subsets

Auswahlaxiom {n} [math.] axiom of choice

Extensionalitätsaxiom {n} [math.] axiom of extensionality

Grundsatz von allgemeiner Geltung; Axiom {n} axiom

Inzidenzaxiom {n} [math.] incidence axiom

Ordnungsaxiom {n} [math.] ordering axiom

Paarmengenaxiom {n} [math.] axiom of pairing

Vollständigkeitssatz {m}; Vollständigkeitsaxiom {n} [math.] axiom of completeness; completeness axiom; completeness theorem