Dictionary - TU Chemnitz

 English  German

heating energy Heizenergie {f}

heating element Heizelement {n} [techn.]

heating capacity Heizleistung {f}

solar thermal installation; solar thermal system; solar heating system Solarwärmeanlage {f}; Solarthermieanlage {f} [electr.]

solar thermal installations; solar thermal systems; solar heating systems Solarwärmeanlagen {pl}; Solarthermieanlagen {pl}

drainback system Solarwärmeanlage mit interner Kollektorentleerung

solar thermal installation with back-up heating Solarwärmeanlage mit Zusatzheizung/Nachheizung

solar-only system Solarwärmeanlage ohne Zusatzheizung

solar space heating support Solaranlage zur Heizungsunterstützung

solar water heating system Solaranlage zur Warmwasserbereitung

single-storey heating [Br.]; single-story heating [Am.] Etagenheizung {f}

single-storey heatings; single-story heatings Etagenheizungen {pl}

single-storey gas heating Gasetagenheizung {f}

glow cathode; hot cathode; thermionic cathode; heating cathode Glühkathode {f}; thermionische Kathode {f} [electr.]

glow cathodes; hot cathodes; thermionic cathodes; heating cathodes Glühkathoden {pl}; thermionische Kathoden {pl}

activation of glow cathodes Formierung von Glühkathoden

to turn the heater / heating on einheizen {vi} (gründlich heizen)

turning the heater / heating on einheizend

turned the heater / heating on eingeheizt

warm-up time; heating time Anwärmdauer {f}

heating-up Aufheizen {n}

bitumen heating tank Bitumenkocher {m}

communal heating/power station; thermal power station; cogeneration unit; combined heat and power unit /CHP/ Blockheizkraftwerk {n} /BHKW/

communal heating/power stations; thermal power stations; cogeneration units; combined heat and power units Blockheizkraftwerke {pl}

substrate heating Bodengrundheizung {f}

substrate heatings Bodengrundheizungen {pl}

calorific value; gross calorific value /GCV/; caloric value; gross value; gross energy; higher calorific value /HCV/; gross heating value /GHV/; upper heating value; higher heating value /HHV/; heat rating Brennwert {m}; Wärmewert {m}; oberer Heizwert {m} [frühere Bezeichnung]; Verbrennungswärme {f} [frühere Bezeichnung]

steam heating Dampfheizung {f}

steam heatings Dampfheizungen {pl}

microwave heating Erhitzen {n} im Mikrowellenofen

district heating power station Fernheizkraftwerk {n}

district heating power stations Fernheizkraftwerke {pl}

long-distance heating station Fernheizstation {f}

long-distance heating stations Fernheizstationen {pl}

district heating Fernheizung {f}

district heating scheme; district heating Fernwärme {f}

district heating plant Fernwärmeanlage {f}

district heating plants Fernwärmeanlagen {pl}

district heating grid; integrated district heating system Fernwärmeverbund {m}

district heating supply Fernwärmeversorgung {f}

flange heating Flanschheizung {f} [techn.]

flange heatings Flanschheizungen {pl}

underfloor heating [Br.]; radiant floor heating; floor heating Fußbodenheizung {f}; Bodenheizung {f}

gas heating Gasheizung {f}

gas heatings Gasheizungen {pl}

casing heating Gehäuseheizung {f}

calorific power; heating power Heizkraft {f}

fuel; heating fuel; heating material [listen] Heizmaterial {n}

fuel oil; heating oil; combustion fuel Heizöl {n}

residual fuel Rückstandsöl {n}

heater; heating rod [listen] Heizstab {m}

heaters; heating rods Heizstäbe {pl}

filament current; heating current Heizstrom {m}

induction heating Induktionsheizung {f}

induction heatings Induktionsheizungen {pl}

infrared heating element; infrared lamp Infrarotstrahler {m}

infrared heating elements; infrared lamps Infrarotstrahler {pl}

plumbing and heating fitter Installateur und Heizungsbauer {m}; Sanitär- und Heizungsinstallateur {m}

installer and heating fitters Installateur und Heizungsbauer {pl}

rent exclusive of heating Kaltmiete {f}

cathode heating Kathodenheizung {f}

boiler heating surface bank Kesselrohrbündelheizfläche {f} [techn.]

composite heating value Mischheizwert {m} [techn.]

top heating surface Nachschaltheizfläche {f}

night storage heating Nachtspeicherheizung {f} (System) [electr.]

oil heating Ölheizung {f}

oil heatings Ölheizungen {pl}

stove and air-heating mechanic Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer {m}

stove and air-heating mechanics Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer {pl}

pellet heating; pellets heating Pelletheizung {f}; Pelletsheizung {f} [techn.]

pellet heating unit Pelletheizungsanlage {f}; Pelletheizung {f}

pellet heating units Pelletheizungsanlagen {pl}; Pelletheizungen {pl}

surface heating (metallurgy) Randschichterwärmung {f} (Metallurgie) [techn.]

pipe heating Rohrheizung {f}

pipe heatings Rohrheizungen {pl}

honey extracted by heating combs Seimhonig {m} [agr.] [hist.]

self-heating; spontaneous heating Selbsterhitzung {f}; Selbsterwärmung {f}

skirting-board radiation heating [Br.]; baseboard radiation heating [Am.] Sockelleistenheizung {f}; Fußleistenheizung {f}

hydronic skirting-board heating [Br.]; hydronic baseboard heating [Am.] Warmwasser-Sockelleistenheizung; Warmwasser-Fußleistenheizung

auxiliary heating; park heating; independent vehicle heating; engine block heater Standheizung {f} [auto]

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