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86 similar results for kimber
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 German  English

Similar words:
Aleppo-Kiefer, Amber, Banks-Kiefer, Biber, Bomber, Bordeaux-Kiefer, Dimer, Dimmer, Drei-Tage-Fieber, Dum-Dum-Fieber, Eimer, Emodi-Kiefer, Fieber, Huangshan-Kiefer, Imker, Jersey-Kiefer, Kammer, Kicker, Kiefer, Kieker, Kiffer
Similar words:
Timber!, half-timber, limber, timber, timber-framed, timber-yard

Abachi {n}; Samba; Ayous (Holzart) [agr.] abachi; obeche; samba; ayous (species of timber)

Bauholzverleimung {f} [constr.] timber bonding; timber gluing

Baum fällt! Timber!

Bohlwand {f}; Schalung {f} (Wasserbau) walling timber (water engineering)

Brettschichtholz {n}; Leimholz {n} [ugs.] glued laminated timber

Brettsperrholz {n}; Kreuzlagenholz {n}; Dickholz {n} cross-laminated timber /CLT/

Deckengebälk {n}; Deckenlage {f} (in einem Raum/Gebäude) [constr.] timber framing; frame of joists (in a room/building)

Eschenholzrahmen {m} ash timber frame

Fachwerkbauweise {f}; Holzfachwerkbau {m}; Fachwerkbau {m} [constr.] [hist.] timber framing; half-timbering

Furnierschichtholz {n} laminated veneer lumber /LVL/; veneer timber

Holzabfuhr {f}; Holzbringung {f}; Bringen/Rücken {n} des Holzes logging; hauling of timber [listen]

Holzbau {m} (Tätigkeit) building in timber

Holzbauarbeiten {pl} [constr.] constructional timber works

Holzernte {f} timber harvesting; timber logging

Holzhandel {m} timber trade [Br.]; lumber trade [Am.]; trade in forest products

Holzimprägnieranlage {f} timber [Br.]/ lumber [Am.] impregnating/preservating plant

Holzimprägnierung {f} timber preservation; timber creosoting

Holzlager {n} timber-yard

Holzrahmenbau {m}; Holzfachwerk {n} timber framework; post-and-beam construction; post-and-lintel construction; beam-and-column construction

Holzrahmenbauweise {f}; Holzrahmenbau {m}; Holzfachwerkbau {m} [constr.] timber framing

Holzriemenboden {m} timber boarding

Holztransportschiff {n} [naut.] timber carrier [Br.]; lumber carrier [Am.]

Holzwirtschaft {f}; Holzverarbeitungsbranche {f}; Holzbranche {f} woodworking industry; wood industry; timber industry [Br.]; lumber industry [Am.]; forest industry

Langholzwagen {m} (Bahn) timber wagon [Br.]; lumber car [Am.] (railway)

Rohholz {n} raw wood; raw logs; raw timber

Sägeholz {n}; Schnittholz {n} [agr.] saw timber

Saumbohle {f} [constr.] trench timber

Sportholzfällen {n} [sport] timber sports

Sprengwerk {n} (Holzbau) [constr.] strut frame; strut bracing (building in timber)

Viertelholz {n} quarter timber

baumlos; baumfrei {adj} treeless; devoid of trees; barren of timber

biegsam; beweglich {adj} (Sache) limber (of a thing)

gelenkig; beweglich {adj} [anat.] limber; supple; articulated [listen]

komplexe Verwerfung {f} (Fehler im Holz) compound (defect in timber) [listen]

Holzproduktion {f} timber production

Aufbau {m}; Konstruktion {f} [constr.] [techn.] [listen] [listen] structure; construction; work; design [listen] [listen] [listen] [listen]

Blechkonstruktion {f} fabricated steel sheet structure; steel sheet construction

Dachkonstruktion {f} roof structure; roof construction

Dachkonstruktion {f} aus Holz timber roof construction

Stahlkonstruktion {f} steel structure; steel construction; structural steel work

einfache und sichere Konstruktion simple and safe design

Baumbestand {m}; stehender Bestand {m}; stehendes Holz {n}; Bestandsmasse {f}; Waldbestockung {f} (Forstwesen) [agr.] tree population; stock of trees; growing timber; growing stock; forest stocking (forestry)

Uferbestockung {f}; Ufergehölz {n} streamside trees

Bauwerk {n}; Bau {m}; Baute {f} [Schw.] [adm.] [constr.] [techn.] [listen] [listen] structure; construction [listen] [listen]

Bauwerke {pl}; Bauten {pl} structures; constructions; architecture [listen]

erdbebensichere Bauten anti-earthquake architecture

Holzbau {m} timber structure; timber construction; wooden structure; wooden construction

Säulenbauwerk {n}; Säulenbau {m} columniation

Stahlbau {m} steel structure; steel construction

Unterwasserbauwerk {n}; Unterwasserbau {m} underwater structure/construction; subaqueous structure/construction

Dachstuhlpfette {f}; Dachpfette {f}; Pfette {f} [constr.] purlin

Dachstuhlpfetten {pl}; Dachpfetten {pl}; Pfetten {pl} purlins

Bockpfette {f} lean-to roof purlin

Durchlaufpfette continuous purlin

Firstpfette {f}; Firsträhm {m}; Firstbalken {m} ridge purlin; ridge piece; ridge tree; balk; baulk [Br.]

Fußpfette {f} eaves purlin; inferior purlin

Holzpfette {f} timber purlin

Mittelpfette {f} center purlin; middle purlin; intermediate purlin

Stuhlrahmen {m} trussed purlin

Dachstuhl {m}; Dachgerüst {n}; Dachgebälk {n} [constr.] roof truss; roof timbers; roof beams; roof framework; roof woodwork

Dachstühle {pl}; Dachgerüste {pl}; Dachgebälke {pl} roof trusses; roof frameworks; roof woodworks

sichtbarer Dachstuhl; offener Dachstuhl open roof truss; open-timber roof

Dämpfkasten {m} (zur Holztrocknung) [agr.] steam chest (for desiccating timber)

Dämpfkästen {pl} steam chests

die Einöde {f}; die Einöd {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; die Einschicht {f} [Bayr.] [Ös.]; die Wildnis {f}; die entlegensten Winkel {pl} [geogr.] the wilds; the backwoods; the backland(s); the backcountry [Am.]; the boondocks [Am.] [coll.]; the boonies [Am.] [coll.]; the tall timber(s) [Am.] [coll.]; the backblocks [Austr.] [NZ]; the booay [NZ]; the boohai [NZ]; black stump country [Austr.] [NZ] [coll.]; the black stump [Austr.] [NZ] [coll.]; the backveld [South Africa]

in den entlegensten Winkeln von Alaska in the wilds of Alaska

in der Pampa [ugs.] in the boonies [coll.]

in der Einöde/Einschicht leben to live in the wilds

Eisenbahnschwelle {f}; Bahnschwelle {f}; Gleisschwelle {f}; Schwelle {f} (Bahn) railway sleeper [Br.]; railroad tie [Am.]; cross-tie [Am.] (railway)

Eisenbahnschwellen {pl}; Bahnschwellen {pl}; Gleisschwellen {pl}; Schwellen {pl} railway sleepers; railroad ties; cross-ties

Betonschwelle {f} concrete sleeper [Br.]; concrete tie [Am.]

Betonstützenschwelle {f}; Stützenschwelle {f}; Zweiblockschwelle {f} double-block concrete sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]; twin-block concrete sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]; twin-block sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]; duo-block sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]

Doppelschwelle {f}; Breitschwelle {f}; Kuppelstoßschwelle {f}; Kuppelschwelle {f} twin sleeper [Br.]; twin tie [Am.]

Einblockbetonschwelle {f}; Einblockschwelle {f}; Monoblockbetonschwelle {f}; Monoblockschwelle {f} monobloc concrete sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]; monobloc sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]

Einblock-Spannbetonschwelle {f} monobloc prestressed-concrete sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]

gummiummantelte Schwelle rubber-coated sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]

Holzschwelle {f} wooden sleeper [Br.]; timber sleeper [Br.]; wooden tie [Am.]; timber tie [Am.] [rare]

Langschwelle {f} stringer

lose Schwelle dancing sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]; pumping sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]

Querschwelle {f} cross sleeper [Br.]; tie-bar [Am.]

Rahmenschwelle {f} frame sleeper [Br.]; frame tie [Am.]

Stahlbetonschwelle {f} reinforced-concrete sleeper [Br.]/tie [Am.]

Weichenholzschwelle {f}; Weichenschwelle {f} crossing timber; switch timber [Am.]

Fachwerk... [constr.] timber-framed; half-timbered

Fachwerkwand {f} half-timbered wall

Fachwerkbau {m} [arch.] [hist.] timber-frame building; half-timbered building; half-timbered construction

Fachwerkbauten {pl} timber-frame buildings; half-timbered buildings; half-timbered constructions

Fachwerkhaus {n}; Riegelhaus {n} [Schw.]; Rieghaus {n} [Schw.] [arch.] timber-frame house; half-timbered house; half-timber house; tudor house [Br.]

Fachwerkhäuser {pl}; Riegelhäuser {pl}; Rieghäuser {pl} timber-frame houses; half-timbered houses; half-timber houses; tudor houses

Festmeter {m} (Holz) [agr.] solid measure (of timber) in cubic metres [Br.]/meters [Am.]; solid cubic metre [Br.]/meter [Am.] (of timber)

drei Festmeter Holz three cubic metres solid measure of timber

Forststraße {f}; Forstabfuhrstraße {f}; Holzabfuhrstraße {f} (Forstwesen) [auto] forestry road; logging road; timber access road (forestry)

Forststraßen {pl}; Forstabfuhrstraßen {pl}; Holzabfuhrstraßen {pl} forestry roads; logging roads; timber access roads

Fußboden {m}; Boden {m} [constr.] [listen] [listen] floor [listen]

Fußböden {pl}; Böden {pl} floors

Asphaltfußboden {m}; Asphaltboden {m}; Asphaltestrich {m} asphalt floor; asphalt flooring

Dielenfußboden {m}; Dielenboden {m} batten floor

Einbauboden {m} built-in floor

Holzboden {m}; Holzfußboden {m}; Bretterboden {m} wooden floor; timber flooring

Mosaikfußboden {m} tessellated floor

Steinboden {m}; Steinfußboden {m} stone floor

ohne Fußboden floorless

unbefestigter Fußboden dirt floor

Holz {n} [listen] wood [listen]

Anfeuerholz {n}; Anmachholz {n} kindling wood

Brennholz {n}; Feuerholz {n}; Kleinholz {n} firewood

abgelängtes Holz crosscut wood

entrindetes Holz; Schälholz barked wood; peeled wood

feinjähriges Holz narrow-ringed wood

fossiles Holz fossil wood

Frühholz {n} spring wood; early wood

gemasertes Holz; Maserholz {n}; aderiges Holz veined wood; veiny wood; streaked wood; streaky wood

geräuchertes Holz {n} fumed wood

grobjähriges Holz wide-ringed wood

heimische Hölzer domestic wood

juveniles Holz juvenile wood

Kaminholz {n} chimney wood

Holz zum Modellieren; Modellierholz {n} wood for modellers [Br.] / modelers [Am.]

Pfeilerholz {n}; Kastenholz {n} [min.] chock wood

reifes Holz mature wood

silifiziertes Holz opalized wood; silicified wood; woodstone; dendrolite

Spätholz {n}; Herbstholz {n} late wood; autumn lumber/timber/wood [listen]

versteinertes Holz petrified wood

Vogelaugenholz {n}; Vogelaugenahorn {n} bird's eye wood; curled wood

Schälholz für Furniere wood for peeling

aus einem anderen Holz geschnitzt sein [übtr.] to be of a different stamp [fig.]

aus härterem Holz geschnitzt sein [übtr.] to be made of sterner stuff

auf Holz klopfen to touch wood [Br.]; to knock on wood [Am.]

Holz arbeitet. Wood is prone to movement.; Wood is subject to movement.

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